Mob Wiki

I always thought this guy was the brown one

Yellow Guy pointing at Blue thinking that he was the brown one

Yellow Guy is a character from the British horror puppet comedy, web, turned TV series, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. He appears in the short "RAINBOW FRIENDS VS DON'T HUG ME IM SCARED"


Yellow Guy is a yellow puppet with an orange nose and blue hair.


Yellow Guy, is quite cowardly and nervous. He is frequently targeted by teachers, for no reason, and is the one put through their pain the most. He is also known to be quite idiotic, and dumb.



He is one of Yellow Guy's friends who always sits next to Red Guy to talk about interesting things.

Red Guy[]

Like Duck, he always sits down with him to talk about interesting topics.



  • In the original series, Yellow Guy's favourite colour is Green, something described as "not a creative colour".
  • The TV series reveals that his personality is the way it is, because of dying batteries in his stomach. When these are charged, he turns extremely intelligent, so much so, he's capable of teaching what the teachers are about to teach.
  • In the TV Series, Yellow Guy, alongside his friends, watches a show called Grolton & Hovris (A parody of Aardman's Wallace & Gromit). A running gag involving the show, relates to Yellow Guy believing Grolton to be the dog, and Hovris to be the man.
  • The It's Nice That interview, reveals he has dreams, where his "middle is haunted".
  • The TV Series reveals Yellow Guy has a group of characters living in his mind; The Brain Friends. They consist of First Tooth, Bubble Bath Memory, Saturdavid, Shy Imaginary Older Brother and Yumpherdinker.