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Not if I find you first, Foxy

Talking Ben to Foxy the Pirate Fox

Talking Ben is a character from Talking Tom and Friends who appears in the short "ORIGIN OF TALKING BEN.exe"


Talking Ben is a cinnamon colored dog.


Talking Ben is quite serious and acts similar to the game and answers everything that is said to him if you talk to him and even if he talks on the phone, most likely he usually says "Not if I find you, Foxy" as a reference to the fact that he doesn't play the game at 3:00 am.


Talking Ben appears for the first time calling Freddy Fazbear but he just denies it and hangs up the call, then he calls him again and this time he says yes to everything Freddy says, even Freddy confuses him that Ben is Santa Claus, but he denies to Freddy's surprise.

When Foxy finds out about the situation he calls him and starts talking angrily about how he already knows what it is to which Ben replies "Not if I find you first, Foxy" then hangs up the call leaving Freddy and Foxy surprised.


Freddy Fazbear[]

When he spoke to him on the phone, he only made gestures and even confused him with Santa Claus due to his laugh until with a simple no, he surprised Freddy.

Foxy the Pirate Fox[]

Ben only made gestures to irritate Foxy until he said that he would go after him leaving him scared.



  • Ben's personality is based on how he behaves if you talk on the phone for him.
  • His appearance in the backrooms is based on a YouTube video where he appears in the backrooms until he is kidnapped by an entity.
  • Although he has a voice actor, Ben has no dialogue, his dialogue is reused from his original game, except when he says "Not if I find you first, Foxy".
  • Talking Ben is the fourth character to be an animal, the first being Merch Shark, the second being the Beemons, and the third being Purple Dog.