The Squid Gang is a group of different Indie characters, forced into competing in deadly games.
The group itself, consists of characters from multiple indie games. They include:
- Bendy and Boris from Bendy and the Ink Machine
- Baldi from Baldi's Basic Education and Learning
- Foxy from Five Nights at Freddy's
- Steve and Alex from Minecraft
- Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon from Five Nights at Freddy's Sister Location
- Boyfriend and Girlfriend from Friday Night Funkin'
- Crewmate (Among Us) from Among Us
The history of the Squid Gang starts in Red Light, Green Light, with Foxy, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Funtime Freddy, Bon-Bon, Baldi, Bendy, Among Us, Steve and Alex. All of them are told they'll be playing Red Light, Green Light. As the game starts, Steve rushes to the finish line, resulting in him getting shot. Alex, Boyfriend, Girlfriend and Among Us are then tricked by Bendy into running, resulting in them dying as well.
During the rest of the game, Funtime Freddy, Bon Bon and Baldi die, leaving Foxy and Bendy as the last two standing. When Bendy reaches the finish line, he uses his rubber-hose physics, to prevent Foxy from crossing leaving him to die at the hands of Young-Hee. However his victory would not last long since the announcer detects him as a cheater, resulting in him being shot.
In the second game, the team, now with Boris, and the absense of GF and Alex, fall onto the glass bridge where a masked manager welcomes them and tells them the rules of the game, Boris is the first to go but ends up dying. Boyfriend sings to shatter the glass, accidentally killing Steve, before dying himself at the hands of Bendy. Among Us purposely jumps off, whilst Baldi falls trying to explain how they can tell the glass apart, and Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon both fail to make the next panel. Again, Bendy prevents Foxy from crossing, and seemingly wins this time. Instead though, the manager reveals time is up, resulting in Bendy falling to his death.
In the third game, Hide & Seek Foxy asks the manager how they survive after each round, but the manager ignores him and releases Young-Hee into the room, scaring them into hiding. Steve, Baldi, Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon, and Boyfriend are all shot one by one. Meanwhile, Foxy finally outsmarts Bendy, and celebrates his defeat. However his celebration was right in-front of Young-Hee who kills him. Its then revealed, Among Us was able to outlast everyone, declaring him the winner of the game.
In "SISTER LOCATION vs SECURITY BREACH" Bendy is the first to appear interrupting the argument between the Funtimes and the Glamrocks. Alongside him, Boris, Among Us, Boyfriend and Baldi also appear, before they're all questioned about why they're in the pizzeria by Bon-Bon. Basks them what they're doing at the pizzeria, Baldi asks what happened to Finders Keepers, whilst Boyfriend mentions how they were the ones gone for nine months, and Among Us insults Ballora.
Later on, the gang is forced into participating in Mommy Long Legs' games. First they fall into Musical Memory, where they all die (with the exceptions of Boyfriend and Among Us) to Bunzo, when they fail to tell the colours apart. Later on, they fall into Wack a Huggy where they are attacked by the Mini Huggies. Instead of dying however, they're brought to a dinner, where they're promtly beaten up. Finally, the group end up in Statues, now without Freddy and Bon-Bon. Foxy manages to convince the group into cheating, which they all do, resulting in them being eaten by PJ Pug-a-pillar. Due to being a teacher however, Baldi is not persuaded into cheating, and manages to escape Playtime Co., with the help of PJ.
- It is unknown how the characters allied to form the Squid Gang, possibly at some time off screen, they have met to talk about it and form the team.
- Even though they participated in Red Light, Green Light. Girlfriend and Alex are not officially considered members of the Squid Gang.