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Purple is a character that appears in the short "The SAD Origin Of The Purple Rainbow Friend"


Purple is a terrifying, skinny creature that is purple in color and has sharp teeth in its mouth.


Purple is very absent-minded, as this led him to get stuck in the vent without finding any way out, despite being trapped, he manages to get out somehow and reunite with his friends for adventures.


Purple was originally a man named Purpley Purplerson, until Red kidnapped him, and turned him into Purple.

Later on, in his new form, he slipped on a puddle and fell into a vent, being unable to get out. He asked Blue, Orange and Green for help, but instead, they laughed at him for being "ugly", and left him in the vent.

Seventy Years went by, without food or water for Purple, until one day, he came up with a plan. Now that he had become so skinny, he attempted to fit through the bars. However, due to his blood sugar being so low, he wasn't able to escape, leaving him trapped.


  • Purple is based on a fanmade model, due to his actual one never being present in the original Rainbow Friends game
  • Purple has never spoken in a short, outside of crowd shots. This makes him the only Rainbow Friend who has not had any dialogue, as Blue and Red have both spoken in multiple shorts, and Orange and Green got speaking lines in RAINBOW FRIENDS vs ALPHABET LORE and The SAD Origin Of The Green Rainbow Friend respectively.

