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"Poppy Playtime VS Rainbow Friends" is a short based on the horror game Poppy Playtime. In this short Huggy Wuggy and Bron's escape from the Rainbow Friends, becomes an argument of "Who Copied Who?" When Huggy realises how his and the Rainbow Friends' games are similar.



Huggy Wuggy is on the RUN! Will make it out of the Rainbow Friends Factories alive?


The short starts with Huggy Wuggy and Bron running away from Blue until they reach a dead end, as Blue prepares to kill them. Huggy then stops when he and Bron both point out how similar Poppy Playtime and Rainbow Friends are, with giant blue monsters chasing people in abandoned buildings. This leads to Huggy believing Rainbow Friends ripped them off, to which Red denies.

Bendy then shows up, as he mentions how similar his and Huggy’s games are, since both feature solving puzzles as the player is pursued by horrific versions of beloved childrens characters.

Freddy and his friends also appear, and tells them that Bendy, Poppy Playtime nor Rainbow Friends, would’ve never existed if FNAF didn’t put Indie Horror on the map, because they were original with their idea.

Then, out of nowhere, Chuck E. Cheese appears, commenting how he’s NEVER seen a pizzaria hosted by Animatronic characters before. Blue then tells Chuck everyone just wanted to make their own games. Chuck however, ends up holding everyone at gunpoint, whilst also blaming Freddy for making his company file for chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2019, claiming every child "craps their pants", when they see him. Then, right as Chuck is about to lose it, Bendy unplugs him, shutting him off. Everyone then leaves.



  • It should be noted that Rainbow Friends is the Roblox version of Poppy Playtime.
  • All shorts starting from this, were not uploaded to the EnchantedMOB channel.
  • On the thumbnail, Blue has drool but in the short he does not.
  • Bonnie, Chica and Foxy have no lines in the short. This marks the first time the latter two have been in a non-speaking role.
  • Whilst Chuck E. Cheese did file for chapter 11 bankruptcy, it happened in 2020, due to the COVID pandemic, and not 2019. FNAF also did not play a part, in the occurence.
  • On November 5, 2022, this short in Spanish was uploaded on YouTube but was later deleted and it is not known why.
    • On November 12, 2022 they uploaded the short to YouTube again and this time they added the Argentine dubbing to the secondary channel in Spanish.
  • This is the last appearance of Bonnie, Chica and Foxy within the shorts.


Poppy Playtime VS Rainbow Friends/Transcript



Poppy Playtime VS Rainbow Friends
