Mob Wiki

We're still on for lunch? Yeah! All right!

- The trio after their victims escaped

The Lava Man, The Rope Man and The Camera Man are the main antagonists of the short "Circus Baby Needs Help!"


The lava man has his body covered in lava, the rope man has his skin covered in ropes, and the cameraman is the first person type who is not seen physically.


They prove to be evil that they even attacked Circus Baby's World to kill Circus Baby and her friends by throwing them into the lava, but it is shown that the cameraman was the one who tied Circus Baby to start the plan, since at the end of the short they show that they did not they are so wicked.


Cast of Circus Baby[]

They are enemies since they formed a plan to kill them by throwing them into the lava and take over their home, however their plan went out of control since The Camera Man was behind all this so they left their world by breaking the fourth wall.


  • Possibly they are aliens or monsters
  • Strangely, The Rope Man is counted as an antagonist despite him not doing anything known wrong.