Golden Circus Baby is Famous! is a short film based on the Fazbear and Friends series, in this short Circus Baby rises to fame to do an interview but suddenly, something unexpected happens.
- Circus Baby
- Jackson
- Audrey
- Foxy (Thumbnail only)
- Chica (Thumbnail only)
- Circus Blueby (Thumbnail only)
- Purple Guy (1st Thumbnail only)
- Purple Girl (1st Thumbnail only)
- Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon (Thumbnail only)
The short begins with Jackson kicking off his talk show saying to introduce a golden animatronic that everyone loves and introduces Golden Circus Baby who comes out covered in pure gold.
Jackson asks Circus Baby how she did to become famous and she shows him a Faz-coin as proof that she used it to wear those golden clothes, Jackson takes it off and decides to take a bite of something to which Circus Baby reacts nervously.
As Jackson brings the Faz-coin closer to his mouth, Circus Baby starts to get more and more scared telling him not to when suddenly biting her breaks his teeth and angrily reveals that it was fake and sends Circus Baby to jail.
In the cell, an angry Circus Baby remains in her cell while Audrey watches over her, commenting that because robots always end up in jail, to which she tells him with a disgusted "shut up".
- It's possible this short takes place after Golden Freddy Goes to PRISON! because of Audrey's comment about the animatronics always ending up in prison.
- Audrey implies that this is a recurring thing, it's unknown if she was referring to that short or the animatronics had gotten into more trouble offscreen.
- The TV studio can easily remember the studio where Murray’s interview Joker.
- It is the third time someone has been arrested, the first time was in "Golden Freddy go to prison" and the second time was in "Purple guy prank Calls 911".
- This is the second time a golden animatronic went to jail with the first being "Golden Freddy goes to prison".
- This is the second short to have an alternate thumbnail with the first being Purple Guy Prank Calls 911. It is unknown as to why they made this change.
- What's weird though is that the alternate thumbnail removed Purple Guy and Purple girl.
- Compared to the previous thumbnail where Chica, Foxy, Circus Blueby, Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon were amazed at Golden Circus Baby with text saying famous, the alternate thumbnail has them angry at Golden Circus Baby with the text saying "Liar".
- Zamination Español still has the original thumbnail on their channel.
- Possibly the short can take place before the song Don't Come Crying.
- Possibly they changed the miniature because Circus Baby lied for the Fazcoin to be famous that it was false and then she was arrested.
- It is the third short to have a misleading title and to have characters that appear in the image but do not appear in the short, the first would be Springtrap fails School and the second would be Purple Guy Kills Golden Freddy.
- Moral: Don't lie to make yourself cooler.
- Originally instead of having gone to jail, the riot was going to appear to go after Circus Baby for tricking him into being golden and famous, however the scene was removed because he was supposed to go to jail after this.
Golden Circus Baby is Famous/Transcript
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English Dub:
Spanish Dub:
German Dub:
Italian Dub: