Mob Wiki

This Article talks about the Funtime Counterpart of Freddy. Were you looking for Freddy Fazbear perhaps?

FUNTIME FREDDY: Geez, the lack of brains in that woman.
BON-BON: Yeah! She actually thinks that metal can get sunburned!

- Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon talk about Ballora in Circus Baby’s Family Vacation Gone Wrong!?

Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon are animatronics from Circus Baby's Pizza World who do their job as puppeteers. They are supporting characters from Fazbear & Friends and major characters in it's spin-off Circus Baby’s World.


Funtime Freddy is tall and has white and pink skin, Bon Bon on the other hand is a puppet and is blue with red cheeks.


Funtime Freddy appears to be some form of liar and unbelieving. He also appears to get a bit annoyed.

Bon-Bon appears to have a similar personality to Bon Bon and could be considered a potential 'simp' towards Bonnet but this changes. As shown in some shorts, Bon Bon can be depicted as antagonistic, as he literally captured Circus Baby for money, and tried to kick Funtime Freddy out of the spaceship while being a imposter.


Funtime Foxy[]

He is shown to be good friends with Funtime Foxy, as seen when playing volleyball with him, but he is also shown to be quite aggressive when he gets turned into Ennard along with Ballora, and Hand Unit.


Funtime Freddy seems to not have the best relationship with Bonnet due to him being very surprised that Bon Bon started to date her, and was presumably happy (but not showing it) when she left.


Ballora is likely some form of motherly figure to Funtime Foxy, something Funtime Freddy doesn't like.

Circus Baby[]

Although nothing is known, in an audio scene during the credits, Funtime Freddy swore that when he escapes the shelf they were trapped under he would make Circus Baby wish she was never born.


As demonstrated in the short, the two seemed to get along until when Bon Bon was given the role of impostor, he told the truth to all of them and ended up expelling themsevles into space (due to Bon-Bon being attached to Funtime Freddy).



  • His voice is almost identical to his Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister location counterpart, except for Bon Bon's voice.
  • In the original game, Funtime Freddy holds a microphone in his left hand, but in the series, he does not carry anything in his hand, possibly he uses it to play with other puppets or to make hand gestures.
  • It seems that Bon-Bon is claustrophobic, as you can see in the shorts called: "Bon Bon is Missing!?".
  • In the original game, Bon Bon has the voice of a woman but in Fazbear And Friends, he is a man.
  • It is likely that Funtime Freddy will be the antagonist of episode 5 due to having a wicked smile in EnchantedMob's profile. However, this is yet to be confirmed.
  • It is revealed in "Among Us vs FNAF!?" that Bon Bon believes in Santa Claus.
  • Bon Bon is the second character to have a voice change in the Spanish version, the first being Foxy.
  • So far they are the characters that act as participants in the Squid Game shorts.