Mob Wiki

(The short begins in the pizzeria where Boyfriend is seen running towards the door before kicking it down)

Boyfriend: I need a challenger!

(Foxy appears)

Foxy: You've got the wrong place, matey, no one can take on Foxy the Pirate box

Boyfriend: Ah, and you're Foxy?

(Girlfriend appears)

Girlfriend: He looks more like a Kitty Cat to me

Foxy: Hey, shut your trap

Boyfriend: Oh contraire my feline-esque friend, my trap is PRIMED

(Everyone goes on stage)

Boyfriend: It's time for a Rap Battle, 3, 2, 1, GO!

(Boyfriend sings M.I.L.F)

Foxy: Quantum triton's neighbor those

Boyfriend: Your turn, cat

(Foxy picks up the microphone and can't sing the song after Boyfriend and Girlfriend laugh and Foxy throws the arrows at them)

Foxy: Take this you landlubbers

(Arrows hit Boyfriend and Girlfriend)

Foxy: I get wrecked ye, scabby sea basses

End of short
