(It all starts at night at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, inside the premises Foxy's screams are heard, it is soon revealed that they are playing a board game)
Foxy: This can't be impossible with these rules, why'd you invite me to play this?
Freddy: Come on Foxy, it isn't that hard, look, the constipated pug can kill the apple guards but if the apple guards turn into bad apples then you have to use your extra fly poster plus an added bonus of your critical role.
Foxy: Why be there dice and cards?
Freddy: Please, don't question the game, Foxy.
Foxy: Why?
Bonnie: Stop questioning the game, Foxy.
(Foxy almost asks about the game but Freddy taps Foxy's mouth)
Freddy: Please stop, he's kept us stuck here for days playing this, questioning the game only makes it worse!
Foxy: Who?
Freddy and Bonnie: Foxy!
(Thunder appears and the game comes to life)
The Game: Who dares to question me? The Game!
Freddy: No one sir!
Foxy: I be, ye be a terrible game!
The Game: How dare you! I'm on par with UNO, old maid, dutch blitz, AND bonkers!
Foxy: Only one of those be good!
The Game: (gasps) You only say that because you're too stupid to figure out how to win!
Foxy: It'd probably be something as dumb and random as throwing the cards and flipping the board!
The Game: No.
Freddy: Oh you're kidding.
The Game: Shut up, you try coming up with a fun new way to play a game!
Freddy: What's wrong with classic go fish?
The Game: Go fish? Gold fish for peasants, dirty, stupid, insignificant petty-
(Foxy throws the cards, turns the game upside down and then everyone goes home, at home Freddy starts playing cards)
Freddy: Ah, this so much better.
The Cards: Who's ready for go fish?
(Everyone screams)
End of short