"FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN' vs. TABBY LYNX" is a short based on Poppy Playtime, in this short Tabby Lynx tries to escape Boyfriend.
- Bron
- Tabby Lynx (first appearance)
- Boyfriend
- Poppy Playtime (only thumbnail)
- Poppy's Twin (only thumbnail)
- Sam Neill (Mentioned)
Bron is watching a documentary about Dinosaurs mating, when Tabby Lynx bursts inside Playtime Co.. She's trying to hide from Boyfriend, who had challenged her to a rap battle. Although Bron assumes she's actually hiding from Sam Neill. Boyfriend then enters the factory. He's angry because Tabby refused, and tries to make her rap battle him with "the power of rap". He then starts listing off multiple big name rappers. Bron scans himself with the Toy Scanner, causing a metal gate to fall in front of Boyfriend, jamming his leg. As Boyfriend screams in pain, Bron tells Tabby he thought he was standing back.
- This is the second Poppy Playtime short to have a 2D miniature with Huggy Wuggy from the Friday Night Funkin' mod on it.
- The short was previously called Friday Night Funkin' vs Minecraft Huggy Wuggy, later it was changed because the title did not match the thumbnail.
- The plot was going to be the same as "Circus Baby's Twin Sister!" However, this was not the case and instead a plot different from the short was placed.
- It's probably because the short would be worse so it was replaced with a convened plot with Poppy Playtime between Friday Night Funkin'.
- Despite the appearance of Tabby Lynx, initially credited as Popstar/Popstar Cat, being continually well-received by fans of the series, along with her being an original character who appears only in this short and in no other works by EnchantedMob, including Poppy Playtime, the studio refused to acknowledge this praise and include her in any later shorts.
- She eventually makes a second appearance in "WHAT UP!" where she's revealed to be a pop artist named Tabby Lynx.
- Despite her making a second appearance, Tabby doesn't use a voice actor like she did in this short, instead using a voice from royalty-free music.
- The rappers Boyfriend lists off are as follows:
- Drake
- Kendrick Lamar
- Slim Shady
- Kanye West
- Notorious B.I.G
- Snoop Dogg
- This is the last short of Poppy Playtime before the Security Breach shorts begun.
- After Bron assumes Tabby was hiding from Sam Neill, she responds with "isn't he dead?" However, Sam Neill is very much still alive. Although, Bron could've been referring to Tennis player, Sam Neel.