Mob Wiki

(The short begins with Monty, who is sitting in a chair while taking an anger management test and Gregory is playing with Rubber Chicken)

Glamrock Freddy: Are you feeling angry Monty?

Monty: Of course not

Glamrock Freddy: If you continue to get angry officer Vanessa is gonna have you replaced, and that is not a desirable outcome for anyone

Monty: I don't know it's even more desirable by the second, would you cut that crap out you stupid infant?

(Gregory continues to play with Rubber Chicken)

Monty: Freddy, I'm gonna end this child

Glamrock Freddy: Monty, that would defeat the purpose of this training

(Monty gets angry)

Glamrock Freddy: Try poking him, Gregory

(Gregory starts playing several times with his finger on Monty, and Monty gets angry)

Glamrock Freddy: Monty, keep it together

(Monty gets angry and Gregory starts playing again with his finger on Monty, then Monty makes a mess at the pizzeria, then he stays calm)

Glamrock Freddy: Monty

Gregory: How do you feel?

Monty: I feel, at peace, you have enlightened me young, Freddy, young child, namaste...

(Monty's finger hits the chair)

Monty: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, ************************************

(Glamrock Freddy opens his mouth)

Monty: Son of a *************************, my little gator toe, **************************** I'm literally dying holy *******************************, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

(Monty throws the chair and Gregory gets confused)

Gregory: Freddy, what's a ****?

Glamrock Freddy: Gregory, no!

End of short
