(The short begins with the four main animatronics doing their thing)
Gregory: Attention current animatronics
(Security Breach appears)
Gregory: You're out
Freddy: What?
(Glamrock Freddy shows a paper that is written: "Important: The Fazbear and Friends Gang are all officially being replaced by The Glamrock Freddy Fazbear Crew.")
Freddy: Scott's replacing us?
Foxy: Aye, any gender swapped me
Bonnie: At least you're still similar, I'm an alligator now?
(Monty makes a sound)
Gregory: You know what they say, out with the ugly, and in with the hot
(Security Breach characters make their positions)
Chica: But this is our home
Bonnie and Foxy: Yeah
Freddy: You'll have to throw us out before we leave willingly
(Glamrock Freddy looks at Monty and Monty looks at Glamrock Freddy, then they expel the four main animatronics)
Glamrock Freddy: Thank you for your kind donation
(Monty laughs and then the Security Breach characters close the pizzeria and start dancing with music)
Bonnie: What now, Freddy?
Freddy: We call them
Chica: You can't be serious, Freddy
Foxy: If you do that there's no going back
Freddy: What choice do we have
(Freddy picks up the phone and calls someone)
Freddy: It's me, we need your help
(Security Breach characters continue to dance and then the music stops)
Monty: I was just about to do the monster mash
(A sound can be heard)
Gregory: Freddy, what was that?
Glamrock Freddy: True horror, Gregory
(The Withered Animatronics appear on the pizzeria stage, Glamrock Chica and Roxy scream)
Monty: Heck now
Glamrock Freddy: Here take the child he's yours
(Glamrock Freddy pushes Gregory and then the Security Breach characters run away from the pizzeria)
Freddy: We won!
Foxy, Bonnie and Chica: Yay!
(Withered Freddy closes the door of the pizzeria after the four main animatronics sit from in front of the pizzeria)
End of short