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Circus Baby VS. Freddy! is the fourth episode of Fazbear & Friends. It was aired on June 27, 2021.


Circus Baby has come to town!


Main Characters[]

Minor Characters[]


The episode begins with the animatronics watching a movie when they hear a rumble in the middle of the entrance, when they get there they find a huge mysterious wooden box. Freddy tries to open it, only for the animatronic inside the box to kick it open, launching Freddy, flattening him within the box's opening. The animatronic steps out, causing Chica, Foxy's and Bonnie's jaws to fall off, and become smitten with her. Chica wonders how Circus Baby got into her box, and she explains that she just put herself in the box, as she found it.

Freddy re-inflates himself, and greets Circus Baby, and questions why Circus Baby is here, and she explains that it's because of a falling out she had with her friends, who are still stuck in their own restaurant. She asks the animatronics if they want some help with fixing the pizzeria. Freddy wonders if he wants her help, but the others immediately say yes. Circus Baby, excited to help, decides to inspect the pizzeria. They all follow Circus Baby, with Freddy not looking too bright. Circus Baby sees the disgusting pizza in the kitchen, and declares that Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria needs a glow up. The animatronics but Freddy happily accept this, with Freddy, worried that the others are not wanting his help.

A montage then plays, showing Circus Baby changing the pizzeria, turning it into Circus Baby's World, outsmarting Freddy in the process. Soon, as Circus Baby goes to get a food delivery, Freddy confronts them, and tells them that Circus Baby (or CB as her nickname) has been acting weird, explaining that she's been theming the pizzeria all around her. The others don't believe him, and shun him out. Freddy, upset that he's left out, decides to leave, telling them that he doesn't want to ruin their fun with CB, and leaves. Soon, overtime, Circus Baby starts to annoy the others, by forcing Foxy to dress like a princess, forcing Bonnie to stand in a circle to avoid his clumsiness from breaking stuff, and forcing Chica to cook chicken nuggets. This leaves the others all exhausted and worn out.

Soon, they feel remorse over shunning Freddy and realize that he's right about her trying to make everything themed after her. The others see Freddy, and all three of them say sorry for shunning him out, and for the things they said to him earlier. Freddy forgives them, and all four decide to teach Baby a lesson. They have a intervention, and shun her for all of the horrible things she did to them. Freddy tells her that she has to stop thinking about herself for a minute to think about what other people want. Circus Baby, remorse over how selfish she was, cries, revealing that it's hard for her to make friends. The animatronics then cheer her up by saying that she doesn't have to be the only one who has to have ideas, and that good ideas come from working together, and that's where the good friendships come from. Everyone hugs her, with Freddy explaining that Bonnie thought it was a birthday party because of the decorations.

Version A ending[]

Circus Baby and Freddy prepare for bed, only to realize that their rooms are now one. To see who gets the room, Circus Baby and Freddy to play Rock, Paper, Scissors. However, each time it goes into a draw, and Freddy gives, deciding to sleep on the couch.

Version B ending[]

Freddy decides to pass on a Circus Baby shirt, but Bonnie accepts a extra shirt. Freddy questions why Bonnie's wearing a dress, and Bonnie says that it's sparkly and comfy on his thighs. Circus Baby excitedly gets into her own princess dress and dances with Bonnie, with Freddy giving a disliked face to the camera, ending the episode.

End Credits[]

During the end credits, Funtime Freddy swears that as soon as he gets out of the there, he's gonna make Circus Baby wish she was never born. However, Ballora tells him that she wasn't born due to being a robot, and F. Freddy yells at Ballora to not get smart with him, instead of the usual end credits music.


  • ZAMination Español released this episode as the first episode, this was later fixed when Where is Foxy's Hook?! scheduled to premiere.
    • What's odd is that the Spanish version of Fazbear and Friends out of context consists footage from the Version B ending of the episode even though ZAMination Español dubbed version A.[1]
  • Phone Guy makes his first physical debut in this episode outside of his cameo in the previous episode.
  • This is the first episode to feature an Fazbear and Friends merch advertisement before the episode starts.
  • Instead of showing clips from past episodes and the main episode itself during the theme song, it instead shows clips from all of the shorts that have been uploaded for the past two months.
  • This episode marks the debut of Circus Baby.
  • This episode serves as a Crossover with the spinoff title Circus Baby's World, which shares the same art style.
  • This episode is shown to be taking place after the song Don't Come Crying, where we see Ballora, Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy still knocked down after Circus Baby took them out to save Audrey.
    • Ballora even states that Circus Baby isn't coming back to them. This could likely be a reference to the Circus Baby's World shorts, where Baby appeared nowhere in the shorts, meaning that the shorts had to take place after that song.
      • However, Circus Baby does appear CIRCUS BABY'S FAMILY VACATION GONE WRONG!?. It's unknown if the short takes place before or after Circus Baby VS. Freddy.
  • This is the first episode to air after a two month hiatus.
  • This episode reveals that Chica becomes very dramatic when it comes to cannibalism.
  • Cartoon physics: Freddy re-inflates himself after being flattened by the box opening.
    • Additionally, when he re-inflates himself, the honking sound that the Freddy posters make in the FNaF games is heard.
  • Foxy and Bonnie's models from FNAF VR: Help Wanted can be seen when Chica hallucinates.
  • This is the second episode in a row to feature a song, although in a instrumental.
    • Additionally, a whole week after the episode came out, the full, lyric-included version of the song was uploaded to ZAMination 2, ZAMination's spinoff channel sung by Zachary Preciado himself.[2]
  • Circus Baby taking over the pizzeria could be a reference to Toy Story, where Buzz Lightyear took over Andy's room that was based on Woody, similar to how Circus Baby took over the pizzeria to make it themed after her, stealing it from Freddy.
  • This is the last episode to be uploaded before ZAMination's logo redesign.
  • The FNAF 2 ambiance is heard 2 times in the episode:
    • The first is when Circus Baby notices the disgusting pizza.
    • The second is when Chica hallucinates Bonnie and Foxy in their FNAF VR designs.
  • The music when you beat a night from Ultimate Custom Night can be heard playing during the ending of Version B.
  • During the beginning of the episode a clip of the Disney movie Bambi could be seen as a normal movie that animatronics are watching.
    • What's creepy is that Foxy seems to enjoy the death scene of Bambi's mother.
  • In the scene where Bonnie, Foxy and Chica try to talk with a broken jaw, it is a reference to Madagascar 3 where Alex and his friends try to talk with diving masks.
  • This is the first episode with references to Disney, Pixar and DreamWorks Animation.
  • The snotty pizza makes an appearance in this episode after "Chica is SICK!?".
  • The dance scene in Version B became popular after release, with many people doing videos about it. What's noticing enough is Bonnie doing the Pennywise dance from the IT franchise.
  • The strangest thing is that in the Spanish version, the Bambi movie clip was not dubbed into Spanish, maybe ZAM - ESP forgot to find the clip and translate it or find a Spanish dub for Bambi.
  • This is the second time ZAMination uses Source Filmaker in a minecraft animation together. The others are his old FNAF short "The Bite of 87'" and his next short which was a few months after that, "Circus Baby turns REAL!". This is also the first time EnchantedMob uses Source Filmaker, with the second being in the thumbnail of "Funtime Freddy turns REAL".
  • This is the first episode to be written by more than 2 people.
  • Due to the exaggerated title of "last" Fazbear & Friends short, fans thought it was the last episode, but nothing was said about the cancellation of Episode 5. "The END of Fazbear and Friends" only implies the end of the shorts line and a return to music videos,  this could also confirm a Community post where the animatronics are looking at a pizzeria in flames and "Death to shorts" is indicated in red paint under the name of the series, which only means that the shorts are not completely gone (according to the description written by Micah Preciado).


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