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Alright, girls, I've taken the liberty of picking up every single thing we're gonna do tonight, including scheduling everyone's bathroom breaks...

Circus Baby showing her friends the agenda to do the sleepover

Circus Baby's Room is a location that appears in the short film "Circus BABY'S SLEEPOVER!".


Its interior is almost similar to a girls' or doll's house, only that it has Circus Baby's plushies and several cushions where to sit, possibly it is the ideal place for Circus Baby to do their sleepover.


Circus Baby's room appears as an important setting in the short "Circus Baby Sleepover!" where she invited several girls that Foxy faced with in some crossovers, then she shows them a list of slumber party duties something the other girls really dislike as they are tired of those sleepover schedules, however when Girlfriend tells Chica literal chicken , this one attacks her first starting a battle for the agenda, meanwhile Boyfriend and Foxy arrive at Circus Baby's house and find all the disaster caused by the two of them, they begin to complain that the girls do not know how to do a sleepover well, which shows that Freddy and Bonnie are having a good time at their sleepover playing tea party.
