Mob Wiki

"Can you survive Bunzo Bunny?" is a short based on the horror game, Poppy Playtime, in this short the Squid Gang, take on the first of Mommy Long Legs’ three torturous games: Musical Memory.



The short starts as the Squid Gang, are dropped into Musical Memory, by Mommy Long Legs. They then are shown the basics of the game, and how to play.

Foxy goes first but despite claiming it’ll be easy, he presses the wrong colour, resulting in Bunzo dropping down and killing him. Next is Funtime Freddy and Bon-Bon. The two actually manage to get their colours all right, but Bunzo still ends up killing them.

Bendy asks Among Us why he wont go, to which Among Us says he doesn’t have hands. Bendy notes that he’s seen him use them in other shorts, however according to Boyfriend, whose up next, he’s only capable of using his hands “when it’s funny”. During his turn, instead of doing the game, Boyfriend begins beatboxing, to make a beat with the colours, resulting in Bunzo dropping down. He manages to survive due to his short size, but is left deafened by the cymbals. Bendy then has his go, but is killed due to his vision being entirely in black and white, meaning he doesn’t know which colour is which.

Baldi tries to explain how he understands the game, but his explanation irritates both Bunzo and Mommy Long Legs, who suddenly appears from behind and snaps his back. Mommy tries to claim the game is easy, but like Foxy, she gets all her colours wrong as well, making Bunzo kill her.

Boyfriend then gets up, and announces he can hear again, but is quickly made deaf once more by Among Us, ending the short.


  • This short marks the debut of Bunzo Bunny in Fazbear and Friends.
  • This short reveals that Bendy’s vision is black and white. We can assume this may also apply to Boris and Alice as well.
  • This is the fourth time that Baldi has appeared in a short other than Squid Game, the first being in "MONTY STARTS A FIGHT CLUB!!", the second being in "SISTER LOCATION VS SECURITY BREACH" and the third being in "The 100% REAL Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Trailer".
  • This is the fifth episode in which Bendy and Foxy don’t interact. In addition, this is the first time Foxy places last in a minigame.


Can you survive Bunzo Bunny?/Transcript



Can you survive Bunzo Bunny?
