(The scene begins in what appears to be Circus Baby's house where all the walls are pink, there are toys lying around, and Circus Baby posters on the walls, suddenly there is a knock on the door)
Circus Baby: Ah!
(Circus Baby jumps for joy to the door and looks outside to find the girls she needed for her sleepover: Purple Girl, Girlfriend, Zombie Girl, Chica, Circus Blueby, Monika and Alice Angel)
(Circus Baby opens the door and all the girls come in like a ball and sit on the floor)
Circus Baby: Alright, girls, I've taken the liberty of picking up every single thing we're gonna do tonight, including scheduling everyone's bathroom breaks...
(The girls groan in frustration)
Alice Angel: Again?
Monika: Why are you always the self-appointed dictator of the sleepover agenda?
Circus Baby: Well, President of the Dumb Questions Club, it is my sovereign duty to lead us girls in our nocturnal escapades on Sleepover Night, given that I'm the hottest among us.
Alice Angel: Well, if those are the rules, then I'll just go ahead and take that off your rusty hands. (she takes the agenda from Circus Baby) Being a little devil darling I am. (Zombie Girl takes the agenda)
Zombie Girl: Ha! Should've figured you were all blind! I bet you never seen a zombie as hot as I am. (Purple Girl takes the agenda)
Purple Girl: Pfft, I've seen hotter girls in the morgue! Men can't resist a woman in uniform. (Monika takes the agenda)
Monika: I'm literally the textbook definition of hot! (shows a book with a phone number and a original image of herself, then Chica takes the agenda and book)
Chica: Monika, this is a phone book and besides, I think it's pretty dang obvious that I'm the sexiest of the bunch.
(short pause)
Girlfriend: You're literally a chicken.
Chica: Why, you clucking...! (She clucks loudly and starts pecking Girlfriend, throwing the agenda in the air. Monika grabs the agenda and shoots Purple Girl before she can get it. Circus Baby and Circus Blueby grab the agenda from Monika and fly, but then they suddenly crash, dropping the agenda, which lands in Girlfriend's hands, only for Purple Girl to throw a Circus Baby plushie at her, receiving the agenda. She then spins like a helicopter to keep the other girls away from her, only for Zombie Girl to bite her in the arm, turning Purple Girl into a zombie. Zombie Girl takes the agenda, but then gets ink in her face by Alice Angel, who then takes the agenda while skating on the floor, leaving a trail of ink. She then trips on a pizza placed by Chica, who grabs the agenda, only for Monika to tackle her. Circus Blueby comes up to the camera.)
Circus Blueby: I don't know, guys. I think I'm pretty hot!
(They all fight for the agenda Ring-Around-the-Rosie style until the agenda goes up in the air and Circus Blueby catches it. The others get ready to attack her. Outside the room, Foxy and Boyfriend are approaching the door, snickering.)
Boyfriend: I wonder what all the females are up to.
Foxy: (laughs) I reckon they're doing something lame and girly like makeovers or Spin the Nail Polish... (They peek through the door to see the girls still fighting. Foxy and Boyfriend close the door in shock.)
Boyfriend: How are the girls outcooling our sleepover?!
(In the kitchen, Freddy and Bonnie are having tea.)
Freddy: More tea, Mrs. Nesbitt?
Bonnie: (giggles) Don't mind if I do.
(End of transcript)