Say, I reckon a good old-fashioned sacrificial ceremony would straighten him right out!
- Boris to Bendy in FNAF vs BENDY 2
Boris the Wolf is a character who appeared in the short called Bendy vs. FNaF 2.
Boris' appearance is identical to the original Bendy and the Ink Machine.
Boris is funny and stupid. He is Bendy's best friend and together with him he does the strange ritual of getting Foxy sent into the ink machine. His personality and voice is identical to Goofy.
Boris often confuses words, such as during the sacrifice ritual for Foxy, he confuses the ritual with unusual words, which bothers Bendy who tells him to shut up, but he ends up playing along as part of the ritual, however it is shown which is very clever when in "The 100% REAL Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Trailer" he mentions that they may have put fake things in the trailer they had just seen in the cinema.
Boris first appears when Bendy and Foxy were having a conversation, when he notices Foxy, at first he mistakes him for a mirror reflection that exists today but Bendy tells him that it is not his reflection, otherwise Foxy is the other Boris.
Believing that Foxy is his twin, he hugs him, to which Foxy angrily replies that they don't even look alike, at this, Boris suggests doing a sacrificial ceremony to brainwash Foxy into reason, Bendy is pleased with the idea and they both drag Foxy to the ink machine room, while doing the ritual, Boris misspells the words causing Bendy to yell at him to shut up, then they turn on the ink machine and turn Foxy into an ink monster.
Suddenly a portal opens where TheMeatly comes out because he noticed an error in the game and says that God does not want this to happen and restores Foxy to his normal form, then leaves with Alice Angel to everyone's surprise.
In "SQUID GAME GLASS BRIDGE vs. Friday Night Funkin, Among Us, FNaF, Baldi and Bendy!" Boris appears among the competitors of the glass bridge challenge, he is the first to take the first steps jumping from platform to platform, but he does not realize that he has stepped on the wrong glass and falls to his death.
He appears again in "SISTER LOCATION VS SECURITY BREACH" where he appears with the other members of Squid Gang after the Funtimes' nine-month return.
Gwrash! Hiya Bendy! (He looks at Foxy.) Say, this must be one of them fancy mirrors all the kids have been talking about these days.
Boris's first words before meeting Foxy
- Just like his friend Bendy, who is based on Mickey Mouse through their mischievous and eerily similar voices, Boris is based on Goofy on appearance, voice and stupidity.
- In "The SAD Story of DAISY!!" Boris proves to be very wise as he explains the trailer and spoilers very well.