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Bonnie BROKE His Guitar!? is the third episode of Fazbear & Friends. It was uploaded on April 8, 2021.


Bonnie breaks his guitar, so he & Freddy try to find a new one.


Main Characters[]

Supporting Characters[]

Minor Characters[]


The episode begins with Bonnie playing his guitar when one of the guitar strings got popped off. Bonnie rushes over to Freddy to break the news to him. Freddy then suggests that they should buy a brand new guitar. Bonnie was filled with joy over that.

12 seconds past, Freddy asks Bonnie what color he wants his guitar to be. Bonnie suggests a red guitar, but Freddy suggests that he should pick a colored guitar that's unique to him. Bonnie was confused by what he meant, so Freddy sang a song about all the colors of the world. Unfortunately, Bonnie's decision is still red. Freddy then calls the guitar store and orders the guitar, soon after he realizes that they can't interact with humans. Freddy then suggest to put on a disguise and Bonnie asks what disguise?

Later that night, they wear a mystery figure costume to tell the manager that they already purchased the guitar and pay him with a Faz-Coin. in a few minutes later, Freddy arrived with the new guitar and Bonnie is so happy that he starts playing too loud and the sound waves from the guitar are heard throughout the pizzeria.

Ending A[]

Bonnie has been performing for half a day, so Foxy unplugs the speakers, much to Bonnie's shame and disappointment.

Ending B[]

1/2 the time Bonnie was playing his guitar in Version A, the gang can't sleep, while Freddy is almost filled with regrets...



  • It is revealed that Bonnie named his guitar Bessie.
    • Continuity Error: Bessie 2.0 appears in The BIRTH to Death of Bonnie! in a flashback episode and as Bonnie's guitar when he was a kid. It's possible the short is non-canon.
  • The thumbnail for the Version A variant of this episode shows that Foxy broke Bonnie's guitar, when, in the actual episode, Bonnie broke his guitar on accident.
    • This marks the first Fazbear & Friends media to be clickbait.
  • Chica and Foxy don't appear until the very end.
  • This episode marks the second appearance of Chica's cupcake.
  • The FNaF 1 office appears in this episode.
  • This is the first episode to feature a song.
  • It is revealed that Bonnie's favorite color is red.
  • Phone Guy makes a cameo in this episode.
    • Additionally, his only lines in this episode are actually taken from the phone call on Night 1 of FNAF 1.
  • This is the last episode to air before the show goes on hiatus, leaving ZAMination, 3A Display, and EnchantedMob, the channels that created Fazbear and Friends, to make shorts until the 4th episode airs two months later in late June.
  • This episode is shown to take place after the first short, since the animatronics are still aware of their presence in a cartoon.
  • Both endings of this episode appear to be almost the same.
  • This is the first episode to be made by EnchantedMob alongside ZAMination instead of 3A Display.
  • In Freddy's World of Color song, Freddy references the color coquelicot. Coquelicot is a real color, it is a shade of red and is the french term for Poppy, which are red flowers.
    • Purple Guy Vs. Purple Girl also referenced this color as Purple Girl was asked about the color of her car, and so it was referenced for the titular character of Poppy Playtime.
  • Irony: Even though Freddy said they couldn't talk to humans, this is false because we always see them interact with them.

Relative Links[]
