Mob Wiki

Blip's Robopolis is a possible upcoming ZAM! series. But after Micah Preciado tweeted that he & Zach left Mob Entertainment, the future of the project remains uncertain.


  • Blip: Blip is an excitable and naive protagonist whose curiosity sometimes gets him into trouble. He’s kind, polite, and emotional- often getting invested in other’s plights.
  • Iris: Iris is a cynical, stubborn girl who has always gotten the short-end-of-the-stick in life. She has a low tolerance for other people’s nonsense, and won’t back down if someone confronts her. Only a few things can bring out her soft side, but it is there.
  • Krank: Krank is disrespectful, immature, and selfish. He will often make snarky and witty remarks at the expense of others. He often gets himself into trouble, and ends up paying for it.
  • Scarlett Matrix: Scarlett Matrix is a sweet-talking, sassy pop-star, who’s easily offended. She’s self-obsessed, high-class, and uses her status to manipulate others into getting what she wants.
  • Boss Golem: Boss Golem is an angry and loud-mouthed boss with a Napoleon Complex. Being a business owner, he’s always focused on making money, and expanding his enterprise.
  • Borg: Borg is a gentle giant. Despite his intimidating appearance, he wouldn’t hurt a fly. He can’t read social cues well, and always focuses on the wrong things. He is a henchman with no bad intentions.
  • is a selfish, egotistical, and jealous antagonist- with a very short fuse. His evil plans aren’t usually very thought out. He’s a driven, but incompetent villain.
  • Fungus McGear: Fungus McGear is a self-proclaimed “nature and survival expert”. He’s full of charisma, but very incapable at his job. He often gets people into needlessly dangerous situations. He always thinks he’s right about everything, and has a big ego.

