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Oh, Boris, my boisterous buddy, you can't fool me! Your wolfish schnozzle is UNMISTAKABLE!!

Bendy to Foxy the Pirate Fox in "Bendy vs FNaF"

Bendy is the main mascot of Joey Drew Studios, and a recurring character in the Fazbear & Friends shorts. Since his debut, he became Foxy's arch enemy. He has an evil alter-ego known as Ink Bendy.


Bendy has the same characteristics of Bendy and the Ink Machine.


Bendy is shown to be cartoonishly hyperactive, and (true to his devilish appearance) also very mischevious. He seems to think Foxy is his best pal Boris (much to the former's annoyance), to the point that he can't tell them apart, even when they are in the same room.

Bendy also seems to care about Boris, although he often gets angry because he mixes up the words and misspells them.

In the Squid Game shorts, it is shown that he cheats in games to win such as when he moved away from the finish line to prevent Foxy from winning or put his foot near Boyfriend so he wouldn't jump onto the next glass tile.

However, in the trilogy of shorts based on the minigames from Poppy Playtime Chapter 2, Bendy is less of a cheater and goes to great lengths to help others, though he ends up dying with the others in the process.

However, as the shorts progress, Bendy gradually masters what he used to do before, he no longer annoys Foxy, he begins to be determined to cooperate with the Squid Gang members and acts a bit more serious.

In the last episode, titled "The END of Fazbear and Friends" Bendy laments that everyone completely forgets about music videos while he gets drunk drinking Bacon Soup, this shows that he is sad because they haven't made music videos since the premiere of the series, however, he joins forces with Freddy Fazbear and Circus Baby to bring back the music, which indicates that he is determined to help them even though they do not know each other.

Powers and Abilities[]

Being a cartoon demon, Bendy has the power to teleport using portals from the ground, extend his limbs, he can react fast like he did to gain Green Light Red Light and let Foxy die.

He is able to be flexible, which he does when he saves the other characters from being killed by Chuck. E Cheese and unplug it, it can run at high speeds in just a single minute and can even transform into Ink Demon to scare everyone.


Why are they in the new game instead of us? And why are they BRITISH!?!?!?!

Bendy questioning Bendy 2 because they are now the new crew and their language

Bendy: Oh, mighty Ink Demon!
Boris: Oh, mighty Ink Demon!
Bendy: We offer you this sacrifice!
Boris: We offer you this sack of rice!
Bendy: Cleanse him of all his imperfections!
Boris: Steer clear of all the intersections!
Bendy: And return him to his perfect state!
Boris: Take a left turn on the interstate!
Bendy: BORIS, SHUT UP!!!
Boris: Boris, shut up!

Bendy and Boris praying for Foxy's sacrifice before Bendy yells at Boris to shut up for mispronouncing the words

Hey, no ladies here, only gentlemen

Bendy reminding Freddy that there are no ladies in the Halloween contest, only gentlemen.

Bendy: [Quickly]: Boris.
Foxy: What?
Bendy: Nothing.

Bendy before turning his face into a portal

Bendy: Hey, these look like the sausage monsters from Amazon! (Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Missy's plush appears on Bendy's phone)
Mommy Long Legs: Oh, stupid bootlegs don't even have centered eyeballs!
Bendy: Capitalism, whatever! Breakfast time, ding-a-lings!

Bendy watching pirated Poppy Playtime toys while Mommy Long Legs complains about scams before the latter sarcastically mocks capitalism.

Oh yeah, well you can go drown in the inky pits of it

Bendy swears revenge on Alice Angel moments before he meets Girl Bonnie



As shown in his debut, he mistook Foxy for Boris to the point of making him angry. Ever since then, Foxy and Bendy have grown to become rivals, with Bendy continuing to refer to him as "Boris", much to Foxy's dismay.

Alice Angel[]

Bendy seems to be good friends with Alice, who keeps him in check and ensures that he doesn't cause trouble. In "Bonnie is a Girl!?", they broke up, revealing they are in a relationship.

Bonnie & Girl Bonnie[]

They did not like him since he broke up their relationship. Bonnie didn't like him for stealing his lady, who also hated Bendy since he was annoying.

Pro Player[]

He was one of the new guests along with Boyfriend to survive the challenge of Mommy Long Legs's wrath.

Boris the Wolf[]

Both are friends but they have their own reasons, when Boris greeted him and saw Foxy, he believed that it was a reflection of him but different, but Bendy told him that it was another Boris to which he thinks that Foxy is his twin even though they don't even know each other.

However, sometimes Bendy tends to get angry at Boris's stupidity because he confuses the words, such as when in the ritual, Boris began to recite the ritual wrong until Bendy himself shouted him down, which seems to indicate that he didn't people like to confuse mispronounced words.



  • Bendy is the third non-FNaF character to appear in the series. The first two being Papyrus and Sans and Steve and Alex.
  • The voice of Bendy is almost similar to the voice of Mickey Mouse (character that served as inspiration for the character).
    • His personality is also based on that of Mickey Mouse version 2013 where he was always hurt, he speaks the same as him and even his appearance was very similar to him.
  • Michael Kovach, Bendy's voice actor, also plays Angel Dust in Hazbin Hotel, another demon related series, although he only played it in the pilot.
  • Bendy is most often seen in his cartoon form. In fact, he's only ever transformed into Ink Demon, one time in the series.
  • In all of his appearances, his fate in the end, is something unlucky. This is a reference to the Bendy cartoons, where a similar running gag happens to him.
  • He can see everything in black and white, as revealed in "The TRUTH about BUNZO BUNNY!!".
  • Despite interacting with Foxy, there are some shorts where he doesn't interact with him.
  • It is noted that he can undo his sorrows in Bacon Soup as seen in "The END of Fazbear and Friends".