LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
Glamrock Freddy: AnimatoinShades
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
Glamrock Freddy: AnimatoinShades
Ajb10 vs Monika from Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob
Ajb10ajb10 (Me)
Bendy (BATIM/BATDR) (Ajb10 and Friends)
Monika (DDLC) (Ajb10 and Friends)
Freddy (FNAF) (Ajb10 and Friends)
Ballora (FNAF SL) (Ajb10 and Friends)
Monika (Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob)
*Ajb10 walking to the park*
Ajb10: *sigh* what a wonderful-
*but then Ajb10 see the new girl shouting me and Freddy from Fazbear And Friends*
Ajb10: who this girl? wait a minute, oh yeah Monika Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob, alright lets play a game.
*Ajb10 walk up that girl*
Ajb10: hey are you Monika for Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob?
Monika (Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob): yes I am!
Ajb10: are you shouting?
Monika (Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob): yes because they ship for me and freddy created by zamination and enchantedmob, but we see Ajb10 ship for Bendy x Monika and ship for Freddy x Ballora he is so dead.
Ajb10: well if I was going say to you so here it is, hey Monika guess what I ship someone, it not about Freddy x Monika, I ship for Bendy x Monika and I ship for Freddy x Ballora.
*and then Bendy, Monika, Freddy and Ballora came out and follow Ajb10 Order of Ship and then Bendy x Monika hug and Freddy x Ballora Hug*
Monika (Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob): you are Ajb10, no! not that ship no!
Monika (Ajb10 and Friends): oh yes.
Ajb10: oh yeah!
Monika (Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob): No!
Ajb10: ship for Bendy x Monika and Ship for Freddy x Ballora, oh yeah!
The end
Ajb10 vs Purple Guy and Purple Girl - Remake
Ajb10 vs Purple Guy and Purple Girl
Ajb10ajb10 (Me)
Purple Guy (zamination and enchantedmob)
Purple Girl (zamination and enchantedmob)
Freddy (FNAF)
Ballora (FNAF SL)
Monika (DDLC)
*Ajb10 hear about old people and kids got Bully*
Ajb10: hey what is going on here?!
Old people: he took our spot for parking for handy cap!
Kids: she won't give it back my toys when she throw it!
Kids: He blow the candle for the birthday cake!
Kids: she Push me down when she get in the car!
Kids: he pop my Balloon!
Ajb10: oh my gosh.
*Ajb10 look at purple guy and Purple were laughing and dancing*
Ajb10: Purple guy and Purple Girl you better apologize to them right now.
Purple Guy: Hah! We don’t care we just have fun with kids and old people, hehe!
Ajb10: oh, that it!
*Ajb10 get angry but wait Ajb10 Idea*
Ajb10: oh, hey purple girl and Purple Guy, guess what, I ship someone, it not about Freddy x Monika, I ship for Bendy x Monika Created by KarlaDraws14 and I ships for Freddy x Ballora Created by Cacartoon, are you scared and crying right now, yeah, I dare you rage quit come on make it both happy.
Purple Guy and Purple Girl: What!!?
Ajb10: that right I ship Bendy x Monika Created by KarlaDraws14 and I ship for Freddy x Ballora Created By Cacartoon, take it look
*Ajb10 show Purple Guy and Purple Girl about ship Bendy x Monika and ShipFreddy x Ballora and then Ajb10 Laugh at Purple Girl and Purple Guy*
Purple Guy and Purple Girl: Nooo!!!!!!
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
Bear Brother: Me
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
Freddy Bear (Grizzly Bear): Iani_pix
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
Redstone Dungeon Golem: Yanuar812
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
This is inspired of the song by Parry Gripp & BooneBum.
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ