Freddy Fazbear and his friends are trying to decide on an episode to submit to the Web Series 2022 Awards.
Foxy thinks the one he lost his hook is the best while Chica thinks the one where she is sick, Bonnie suggests the episode where he accidentally broke Bessie but replace with Bessie 2.0.
The animatronics can't agree, each thinking their own spotlight episodes are perfect, Tabby Lynx can't remember any of the episodes that the others are talking about, or the previous episode she was in.
Tabby concedes that she's sure the producers know what they're doing and that they work very hard, In the producer's office, Zachary Preciado and Micha Preciado are seen relaxing instead of working.
Tabby states that she doesn't rely on starring in episodes for her self-worth, pointing out her hair, The animatronics continue to disagree about which episode to submit, noting VANNY is in LOVE? and BONNIE GETS SUPER POWERS?!? as favourites.
Just then, the doorbell rings and Freddy orders Tabby to answer it, referring to her as Popstar, Tabby corrects him before walking to the door, She opens the door to find an exact copy of herself, suggesting to her that this episode is about Tabby.
Tabby runs back to Freddy and tells him, thinking it might be an alien clone that wants to take over her life, a post-apocalyptic version of herself that she has to fight or her rich, long lost twin.
Freddy reveals that what Tabby saw was herself, in a mirror delivered by Purple Guy, Freddy laughs, noting that they can't win an award with a story about a cat in a mirror as Purple Guy asks who Tabby is, Freddy replies to him that her name is Caty.
Bonnie walks up and corrects him, also stating that she isn't a new Animatronic. Tabby thanks him...before he says that she just isn't popular.
Tabby begins talking to herself, wondering why popularity matters in Web Series Television, She opens a door, only to find a strange alien egg sitting in the middle of the room.
She calls Bonnie, Foxy, and Chica and they arrive, Chica states that someone more popular should take the lead. She decides that if the alien is nice then Chica should take it, if not, Foxy should.
Tabby refuses to hand over the story as the egg begins to open. The "egg" opens to reveal Freddy, who goes on to state that the "egg" is actually a rejuvenation pod, The animatronics decide that there is no story and leave.
Tabby rummages through the Arcade Prize Stand, looking for something that can set her story in motion, Foxy thought that she didn't care about starring in an episode.
Tabby says that she doesn't and demands Foxy help her look as He pulls out a Bonnie Plush and Chica Plush, She thinks that an evil scientist shrank them, Foxy questions why she would be happy about that before revealing that it's just merch as He pulls a Plush of himself out.
Tabby laments that this isn't story either but she wants to see what she looks like as a Plush. Foxy then tells her that they never made one of her as they only made plush of the "main cast", Which makes Tabby furious at the implication that she isn't part of the main cast.
She keeps searching for a story for herself as Chica points out that the episode is half completed. Tabby wants more time and rushes off as Bonnie finds a 9-Ball, Noting that they've never done a FOP Spoof episode before, Bonnie releases Cosmo and Wanda who is promptly sucked into Tabby's handheld vacuum cleaner.
Tabby tells the other animatronics to stop trying to steal her episode, Foxy walks up, saying that he isn't trying to steal her episode, he's only eating chips.
Foxy then bites a golden chip, which Chica notes has won them a visit to the factory, The mascot of the company that makes the chips is seen singing in a balloon before Tabby shoots it down in an F-18 fighter jet.
She bails out of the aircraft's cockpit and angrily parachutes to the ground. She threatens the other Animatronics before a cyborg version of Chica, named The Chicanator, arrives, she states that she's here to prevent a war between man and machine and that she needs to take all the animatronics except Tabby, and She kicks her back into the portal as Freddy calls his friends back inside the pizzeria.
Freddy says that his Friends are in agreement before being interrupted by Tabby, saying that she has come to terms with being a minor character. Freddy is about to tell "Feliney" something before she interrupts him.
She says that it's true she'll never be a popular character and that she's been gone for so long that she's forgotten how big a burden leading an episode is.
Freddy then tells Tabby that it's been ten minutes and that this is her episode. Tabby is livid and goes to the EnchantedMOB Office to pitch her own show. The animatronics think that her show won't stand a chance.
The next morning, Freddy tells his friends that he got a letter from the Producers of the Studio. The letter states that there’s a new show starring Tabby Lynx in a hilarious sitcom show named "The Musical Adventures of Tabby Lynx".
Foxy shows support for Tabby's show but Bonnie thinks that his line would be better said by him. The Animatronics all begin to switch personality traits before Chica intervenes, asking for Freddy. Freddy returns, revealing that he's blown up the helicopter. Chica, in dismay, adds that this was the "Weirdest Episode Ever".