So, this isn't really related to anything Mob related, besides the Fazbear and Friends series.
There was this account called "Fazbearandfriends.fanpag" on Tiktok. Obviously, it was a fan page for Fazbear and Friends. It wasn't special, only a gacha account relating to FAF.
What's really catching my attention is that it seems like any trace of this account seems to have vanished. The only thing I could find was a low-quality screenshot when there was only 1 video and had no likes or subscribers.
Can anyone help me out on his?
This is inspired of EDF: World Brothers!
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
FNF Boyfriend: WECLEY Artz
Among Us: Me
10 Votes in Poll
I will make a few shorts based on Fazbear and Friends.
Carrier and Descent are the two final shorts of Meta Knight zombies. Or is it?
So the people can make AI covers.
Date: Current day
Time: 0301
Place: St. Louis MO
The night along non stop rain in city of St. Louis. In the modern mansion lives by a woman in late of 20s and work as police deputy. Eileen wakes up and see her digital clock that shows 3 o' clock. She couldn't sleep since the rain keep showering at the afternoon. However, Eileen had her overwork for 3 weeks. She decided to go to the kitchen and took the strawberry milk from refrigeration and chocolate chip cookies. And then she bring her snacks to her computer room which was use for livestreaming. She opened the box that she ordered from the internet and took the old looking tv and 'Amanda The Adventurer's tape. After setting all the cables on the tv, Eileen turn on the tv and she insert the tape on. Eileen was use to watch the show since she was a kid and that time she lives at Norway. And also that time it was her most fan of Amanda and inspiring by her. She had been always out from her house and went to wildness for her adventure. An half an hour later, when she one by one insert and out the tape suddenly there is suspicious of the episode of Amanda The Adventurer.
[The tape begins with Wooly all alone.]
Wooly: We- we don't have much time. Do you trust me? [Before the Eileen was about to type in "Yes".]
Amanda: Wooly! Ready for an adventure?
Wooly: Amanda! You know you can't st- Amanda: Wooly had an accident! When a friend has an accident, sometimes NOBODY can help them... but we can try!
Wooly: No, Amanda, I- I- I'm fine. Wooly: I- I- I just uhh-
Amanda: Poor Wooly is so confused. We really have to help him. First, we have to know what is wrong. What part of Wooly is broken?
Eileen: I don't see he had injuries or something. Maybe his head?
Amanda: Wooly's head is broken. But Doctor Amanda is here to help! Let's prepare the patient. Here, Wooly, drink this!
Wooly: Uh... I don't know, Amanda...
Amanda: It's all just pretend. Isn't it, Wooly? Wooly: Amanda... I feel... uhh.....
Eileen: What show is this?! Say it just a pretend. I'm.. I'm... so cold about this.
Amanda: We need to operate immediately on the patient's brain. What tool should we use to fix Wooly's head? The saw, the hammer, or the forceps?
Eileen: WOAWOAWOAWOAWOAWOAWOA!!!! THIS IS HELL NOW! THERE IS NO SHOW TELLS ABOUT LIKE THIS! Umm.... I'm afraid if I click the saw thing. I'm just click the hammer. [Clicking the tools.]
Amanda: That might be helpful, But what else could we use? [ clicking the tools for second time.]
Amanda: Things could get really messy if we use that! [clicking the tools for third time.] Amanda: That looks hard to use. But I can try! [clicking the tools for fourth time.]
Amanda: (Laughing) Haha, I tricked you! We're going to use all three!
Wooly: [Whimpers] [Screams] Amanda [Struggling]
Amanda: The patient is getting rowdy. I'll need a little help here.
Wooly: Help me! Please!
Amanda: So, who are you going to help?
[clicks on Wooly.]
Amanda: So you're not going to help me? Fine! I can do this by myself! Go away!
Wooly: [Distorted screaming]
Eileen had almost gone trauma after seeing the tape. She doesn't believe what her eyes see.
Eileen: I have dreams right?! A....a... nightmare. It couldn't be real! IT COULDN'T BE REAL!
She trying to refresh herself by slamming her book on her faces but
All of the tape she had been watched except one tape and it's last. The title of the tape is 'We Can Share'.
Eileen feel sick to do this but its the last tape and after that everything is all done.
Eileen:[Sigh] Okay..... this is the last tape ok?
She then inserted the tape on.
[Amanda Intro Start(without wooly)]
[Amanda singing]
Amanda: Hi, I'm... Amanda. When you're friends, you can share all kinds of things with each other. I can share my crayons with you, so you can have fun coloring too! Look at silly Mr. Fox!
Eileen: Not *cool*, Aman..
Amanda: Sharing shows you care about someone. Friends can share toys.They can share snacks. I'll share some of my snacks with you. Which snack would you like?
Eileen after seeing this suspicious food.
Eileen: That must be wooly, huh?
[ clicks one of wooly snacks]
Amanda: Yum, that's my favorite. Friends can share other things, too. They can share secrets. Can I share a secret with you?
Eileen: Secret? I...uh... don't know about that. But I can share my secret with you [Felling Awkward][Clicking "Yes" Button.]
Amanda: Are you sure? It's a big secret.
Eileen keep pressing the "Yes" button without investigate.
Amanda: Is it really ok to share my secret with you? [ Keep Clicking "Yes".]
Amanda: I'm out there..........Somewhere. [Tape ends]
Eileen: Out wha- [Screaming]
She got surprised by a jumpscare and jumps in fright. There are red glitches on the screen and at some point, someone is trying to get out of the TV And There Are CN Glitches. Eileen had nothing to do it. She quickly get her pistol from the safe at her room and faster as she can shoot on the television three times until it breaks. After three minutes shot the tv, the alarm ringing on her phone that shows up it 6.00 a.m. She see the sunrise in the window. There is no rain anymore.
Eileen: *phew* at last. Plus the rain stops now.
Then she cleaning up the mess after the horror situation. The late morning, she packing the tv and the tape to her dark indigo colour car. She drives more half an one hour to the top of the cliff near the beach. She then unload the box and throw away into the ocean
which it was hundreds percent never seeing that thing again.
After that she drove to the Freddy pizzeria for her lunchtime. She will gonna tell her friends there about night yesterday.
My friend created this server and he would like me to promote here, so check it out if you want:
Suggest Funny Bloopers and Outtakes for Shorts, FB&F Episodes and Music Videos.
8 Votes in Poll
Just Like These.
Suggest Outtake Ideas Here.
Hey guys, what's the best Fazbear & Friends short in your opinion?
If you enjoy watching the Spanish dub of Fazbear & Friends, you will have noticed that there are differences related to the original language (that is, phrases changed by the dubbing), mention some parts in Spanish that were not in the original dub and then comment on them
Hey guys, what's your favorite character from Fazbear & Friends?
It all starts at Christmas, the whole block was covered in snow and gale, at Freddy's pizzeria, an exchange of gifts was taking place and then they received Santa Claus with a Christmas surprise, Freddy acts as the host of the club and many of the guests were eating, dancing and singing Christmas carols.
The clock strikes 7:00 at night, and everyone gathers at the tree to open their gifts: Bendy opens his gift which is a plastic toy gent, Boyfriend opens his gift and finds a new modified microphone, Huggy Wuggy opens his and receives a Boxy Boo doll for his collection, Glamrock Freddy then opens his present and receives a gold trophy for best Pizzaplex concert, and so they all open their presents, until there is one left, Freddy opens his present and finds a snow covered crystal ball surrounding the pizzeria
Suddenly they hear a similar laugh and they all go outside until they see Santa Claus flying his sleigh in the moonlight, everyone is glad to see him and the short ends with the cast singing "FNaF Christmas rap"
The short starts by opening with the show's title zooming in on the camera (with “Minecraft Animation Style” fading in underneath the title) and going through the "P" while clouds part away.
As the camera swoops over , we see the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria, Circus Baby’s Pizza World, welcome sign, and Prison behind the pizzerias, We fly over the city, toward downtown city as we move towards the School, and zoomed into the school door, and we move toward the school to the right.
The Scene starts with Bart writing on the Chalkboard, saying *Poppy Playtime is Not as Cooler as Fazbear & Friends” And he stops writing for a second and looks at the chalkboard unamused. When the school bell rings, he happily opens his mouth as he looks towards the door, runs out of the classroom, skateboards out of the school while grinning, flying gleefully and skateboarded away.
The scene cuts to Homer at Circus Baby’s Pizzeria Where he ate a whole pie of pizza and Ice Cream and leaving at the pizzeria while he mistakenly took HandUnit As a Backscratcher While Funtime Foxy and Circus Baby looks at his new invention.
Then The scene then cuts to Marge and Maggie checking out at a supermarket. In the check out line, Marge reads her magazine with boxes of Captain Crunch Cereal. Maggie is inadvertently scanned along with the groceries, without the cashier noticing. The cashier rings her up at as $847.63 and Maggie is mistakenly packaged in a brown bag after the camera pans to Marge and the cart and she looks mildly concerned as the bag is now in the cart and Marge smiles as Maggie pops out of the bag. But Maggie then sees Purple Guy and Purple Girl Trying to Kidnap her but she has a knife which scared them away.
The scene cuts to the school once again, where Mrs. Mayberry’s Students practicing at Music Including Lisa Simpson, But Lisa interrupts the rehearsal and plays a loud saxophone solo Mrs. Mayberry stops the band and points Lisa out of the door, due to her unacceptable playing. As the other students look on, she dances her way out of the classroom as she continues playing.
Afterwards, Homer is seen driving home and throwing HandUnit out of the window after he screamed when he sees him alive, and HandUnit Crashes into the Wall.
Bart skateboards in with a big grin, passing by a store with an "Open" sign as he turns into a corner. He makes a better turn, with both feet on the board. He then passes by Blue and Red (Rainbow Friends) passes a book store, dodges to the right, and passes by Tabby Lynx. Bart then dodges left, and Passes by Poppy Playtime, and passes by Cat-Bee Lifting Bron on her left, and passes Boyfriend. A TV store with Don’t Come Crying Music Videos on the TV sets appear in the window. Bart looks at it for a second, then grins again. He passes by Bendy, who's holding a Sign that says “Anybody Excited for My New Game that My Creater made?”. Bart finally passes by Audrey standing by the corner, who yells and shakes her baton at Bart as she leaves the screen as Marge and Maggie turn the corner in Marge's sedan.
Inside the car, Maggie is shown steering the wheel. With tires screeching, the car passes by a farm and makes a tight curve. As the car approaches another road, the camera cuts back to Maggie as she steers again, and the car makes another turn. The camera cuts back to Maggie, revealing that the wheel is just a toy for her car seat, as the camera pans out to show Marge driving. As the camera is zooming out, Maggie looks at Marge, then back at the road. Then, they both look at each other, and honk both the car horn and Maggie's horn twice
Then camera very quickly pans over a static landscape shot of various locations from the past shorts and a mix of both familiar and relatively unknown characters all the way to the Simpson house.
The Simpsons all arrive home at the same time. and Homer arrives home first. Also, after Bart lands on the car roof with his skateboard, the garage door opens as Homer gets out making a face at Bart while closing the car door. He quickly dodges Lisa on her bike and yells, "D’oh!” as she rides her bike up to the front door. He steps back out and screams as Marge's car approaches. He looks over his left shoulder, then his right, and he runs into the house.
The Fazbear Gang (Freddy Fazbear, Foxy, Chica, and Bonnie) are on the couch. When the Simpsons come in, The Gang saw them and Freddy Said to them that they should do the Couch gag somewhere else But Homer Refuses and Beats Freddy up while Homer’s Family and Freddy’s Gang decided to just never worry about them and Continued to watch TV (Which was Informed by Chica) while their friends are still beating up each other offscreen.
As the theme song ends, the camera cuts to the Simpsons' television set that displays the first two opening credits in a wiggly yellow font similar to the "THE SIMPSONS" text from the beginning (Made by EnchantedMob; Developed by EnchantedMob, ZAMination, and Seth Belanger) as the short ends.