LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
Livestream Sister: Me
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
Livestream Sister: Me
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
This is inspired of the song by Parry Gripp & BooneBum.
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
The short begins with Freddy speaking, “When the Empire dropped the missiles, they hoped it would finish the war. But instead, it unleashed a freak show like no one has ever seen before. 3 squads were sent to cage the empires dogs, but only one came back and the rest in body bags.” Back at a lab, scientists caged the zombies in test tubes but somehow developed smart minds in broke out and attack everyone inside. During the zombie outbreak, the five animatronics raced outside to the roof of the pizzeria and Freddy sees a Medieval Gunship crashed and said, “I F##king hate the Medieval Empire and Science Division.” And Chica was scared and decided to flirt with a zombie to change his mind and instead the zombie tried to claw her and said that was no way to treat a lady.
During the outbreak, The animatronics armed themselves and went outside to fight the horde. During their battle, they hear multiple howls and see zombified mousers running at them with zombie hosts with green gas all over them and when one slapped Bonnie, he was infected. Freddy and Chica were horrified and told Foxy to get Bonnie help and Foxy said he will get Bonnie to a decontamination center and when they were running, Foxy sees a Charger Zombie running towards him and he brought out an Atlas 45 pistol and killed him until more showed up and Tabby shot them with an EPM1 energy weapon and gave Foxy a chance to get Bonnie to the decontamination center. Tabby tells Foxy, she will hold them off and was tired of being a baby and decided to stand up for once. After Bonnie was decontaminated, a zombie horde with EMZ’s (Electro Magnetic Zombie) were running towards them and Foxy and Bonnie used their heavy weapons to kill them and more mousers showed up and chased them all outside.
When the five animatronics went outside, they made their final stand and used whatever they had to fight the horde. During their battle, ammo became a problem and they were all overwhelmed and the zombies punched, pushed and kicked them to the ground until Medieval Forces killed all of the zombies and grabbed the animatronics and placed them in body stasis bags and drove to a place called Burgertown in a Medieval Controlled Base and dropped them off their in a Storage building.
To be Continued: Welcome to Infection.
Bienvinida a la infeccion.
Far away from the Pizzeria, a Medieval Base on Peleliu was guarded with hundreds of insurgent militiamen and Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy and Tabby were sent to gather data from the Empire and Tabby replies that she doesn’t want to wield a weapon and Freddy says that they will protect her. During their battle, Soldiers with EPM1 Energy Weapons were heading their way and they struggle in battle due to the soldiers weapons being very powerful and Freddy called in a drone and killed most of the EPM1 wielders. While resting up, Close Range Bombers with Probe Droids and more militiamen starting heading towards them and used as much ammo as possible to fend off the infantry. Chica gets tired and asked if they will ever give up. But a soldier popped up and said nope.
During their battle, they finally made it to the facility until the speaker says, “Team be advised! Enemy AST with tons of backup and firepower are heading your way. Activate the shields and we will call a bombing run.” After the bombing run, Tabby grabs the data and Foxy says that he needs to use the bathroom and during the small celebration, the Speaker says that a hundred missiles are coming down and that they need to go inside the base. During the missile run, one broke the window and green gas started to get inside and knocked them out.
An hour later, the team wakes up and Tabby asked why is the sky green and what happened to the sun. When the commander asked if they are all right, he states that they are lucky that they are not killed from the missiles and looks like the missiles holding Manticore was programmed to only get Hostile Forces. When the friends exited the base, the man on the speaker tells them that large amounts of hostiles are heading towards them running fast. Tabby signed in irritation because she is tired of the Meta Knights coming after them. When they exit the base, Foxy looked and saw a meta knight but different running making weird noises and more ran outside making monstrous noises and Bonnie screamed and asked what are these things. Freddy looked and saw that they are meta knights but looks like they mutated into Zombies. More kept running at them and the commander says that an evacuation was given and a chopper is coming to get them and Freddy had an idea to trap all of them inside the base and after doing that, Freddy locks the door and lights an ion flare and throws it.
Suddenly, more zombies appeared and Freddy looked down at his Atlas45 and throws it away and they five animatronics run to the evac point with more zombies chasing them until a chopper appeared and fired at the zombies and the doki doki girls helped everyone up and asked Freddy if he was bitten and he nods no. The Commander which was Purple Guy says that they are safe now and looked outside and sees a bunch of zombies screaming and running all over the place and says, “Jesus, are you seeing this?” Until a zombies jumped up and grabbed him. Freddy then said, we got work to do. The short ends. To be continued.
”Welcome to Meta Knight Zombies.”
Link to idea:
One night at the Dump, a gigantic hand bursts out of a pile of garbage and the entire robot emerges and a bunch of Dump workers saw the machine and took out their tazers. They fired at the giant robot but no effect and the robot powers up his pod and fires at the workers and grabs a glass jar and places it on its head. He walks away from the Dump. One morning, Freddy tells everyone that they’re going on vacation and Foxy was excited and got to the car until a holographic message plays and the robot introduces himself as Killbot to Freddy. Freddy asks what does a want from them and he replies that he wants revenge on them. But Bonnie cuts him off and tells everyone thats it was probably Purple Guy prank calling them.
Later, a group of Terminator robots burst from the ceiling and grab Foxy and Bonnie and another message plays and Killbot says,” If you want to save your friends, come to my laboratory and try to escape with your lives!” The message ends and Freddy was scared. When Freddy and Chica arrived outside of Killbots lab, Chica tells him to turn off the power and Killbot realizes that the power is out and ordered his machines to go downstairs and figure out why the power is off. When the robots went outside, Freddy and Chica find Foxy and Bonnie but tells them its a trap. The door closes and a piston pushes them inside the cage where Foxy and Bonnie are being held in and Killbot appears and tells them that they’ll die along with his lair and fires his pod at the generator and him and his robots escape.
The generator slowly collapses on the cage until Foxy uses his hook as a grappling hook and fires at a pipe and the four of them held on and swung out of the lair and followed Killbot to his next target. When they arrived, Killbot replies that they are going to take over the world until Scout, Woods and Bowman secretly swung down and kicked Killbot and Wrecker grabs his glass jar and breaks it. The Resistance Soldiers free the animatronics and Crosshair fires at Killbot, taking his head off and knocking him to the ground. Scout and his men destroy the rest of the robots until Killbot gets up and grabs Freddy and kicks and punches everyone away and grabs Freddy with both hands. A head appeara and Freddy recognized the man to be Cyrus Borg. Freddy asks how is he still alive and Borg tells him that after he was defeated and taken to the Dump, he secretly grabs the pod and transforms his suit into a bigger form and that was how he is still active. Scout starts to mock Borg and asks if he is going to attack them in that form but Borg evilly smiles and tells him that they will witness his true self. The pod glows to red, the gray chestplate moves between his redhead lights on his chest, his robot legs extent and his feet get gears on outside of his feet, his arms grow longer and a tall machine comes out of the head and two red headlights appear and Scout calls him the BorgPod. Borg activates his headlights and starts chasing the animatronics and Bonnie starts to run a different way and Borg follows him until Bonnies pizza and grabs it and throws it in Borgs face causing him to slow down and become angry.
After escaping the BorgPod, Scout tells them a lesson that they heard from their master, who was a Jedi, to not fight the armor, fight the man inside. After hearing this, Freddy and his friends were waiting for Borg, Bonnie screams that he has missiles and they clashed into a building. After the smoke cleared, Borg emerges and the four animatronics tied him with chains and tried to hold him down but he breaks lose and grabs Bonnie and throws him. Chica gets angry and the three of them charge at Borg and he charges them as well. Freddy jumps and kicks his chest, pushing him back, Chica punches and kicks him. Foxy scratches his armor and jumps on his back until Borg used his arm and Foxy dodges it and jumps to attack him but Borg hits him and extends his arms to grab Chica and Freddy and throw them off the building until Foxy rescues them. Borg steps in front of them and asks if they have any last words and Freddy says bees, confused Borg looked and spots Bonnie having a beehive and slams it into Borg, freaking out and screaming, Freddy and his friends kick his armor until he falls and he struggles to get up. Borg, injured looks at Foxy and took out his pod and shuts down his suit. After Borg climbs out of the robot, he was shocked and asks if they can call it a tie, but instead they throw him into a dumpster and went to spend the rest of their vacation in La Francia.
At night, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy were skateboarding in the city and when Chica had a pod glowing blue that plays music, Foxy spots a man and asks who he was. Freddy says he doesn’t know and Foxy says that he needs a beat down. Freddy tells Foxy that what if he wasn’t doing anything wrong and could be on his way to Church, but Foxy asks “Wearing powered battle armor!” What kind of church is that? Bonnie answers an awesome one. But the man took out his arm flamethrower and points it to a shutter, Freddy says that man needs a beat down. When the man was shooting fire from his arm thrower, it goes out and he angrily kicks the shutter and tries to lift it open but to no success. Chica says that kind of feels sad and Bonnie says that maybe they should pound him or buy him an ice cream cone. Freddy then says Halt villain. The man turns around and Foxy says when did they start talking like that. Freddy says that they’re heroes and they talk like that. Borg turns around and says, “You will feel the fury of my powered battle armor.” And says that they were robot animals.
He charges at them and the animatronics do the same until Chica pauses them and puts away her pod and jumps on his head, Foxy jumps on his left should pad, Bonnie cuts a wire from his right shoulder pad and Freddy goes under between his legs and kicks his back armor causing Borg to lose balance and accidentally trigger a bank alarm. The animatronics decided to throw him into a dumpster and Borg tells them that they weren’t the only ones who did, but will be the last. When the police arrived, Audrey checked for anything but nothing. When the group returned to the pizzeria, Chica loses the pod and freaks out. Back at the alley, Borg climbs out of the dumpster and find the pod and plugs it into his helmet, it turns green and upgrades his armor and laughs for revenge. When Freddy went o the Doki Doki classroom, he falls asleep and Monika gets angry and asks if there was something he needs to tell her but Freddy says no. Monika tells him that he looks tired but Freddy progresses and says that he’s awake as a rooster. After class, the animatronics watch the news and see the man they fought yesterday with a new robot like form, “At last, I will have my revenge.” A man asks who he was but Borg says that he is the nameless shadow who haunts their nightmares but the man says Cyrus? Cyrus Borg? And the manager asks him if he is doing this because he was fired, but Borg denies it and roars at the people. Foxy pauses the TV and sees the pod glowing green. He looks at Chica and says that he has the pod and Chica says that she accidentally dropped it during the fight and Foxy scolds her and tells her thats it was her fault but Chica tells him that she can’t be trusted with nice things. Freddy then figured out that the mechanical chip inside the pod is powerful, it can upgrade anything electronic and Foxy says if it keeps going, he’ll be more powerful. When they left to get the pod back, they found his lab and see him trying to rename himself as the Borg-man and the Suitinator and Captain Punch you hard! When they confronted him, Freddy tells him that no one wants to hurt him and wants the pod back but Borg threatens them and Foxy charges at him but Borg uses his robot arm and slams Foxy into the wall and Freddy and Bonnie charge at Borg but he stretches his two arms at them and slams them into the wall. He then stretches his arm to Chica but she dodges it and cuts it off and another arm appeared and she cuts it off but Borgs arms grew back and a claw become spider like and jumps on Chicas head and she tries to pull it off but it gets stuck and shoots lasers at Freddy and Foxy chasing them. Bonnie jumps towards Borg and uses chains to wrap him around but he uses the chain and swings Bonnie around while Freddy and Foxy ran into a dead end and use glass to reflect the laser and destroy the claw stuck on Chicas head. They then see Bonnie in trouble and Borg uses him as nunchucks and the animatronics attack but Borg throws Bonnie at Freddy and breaks Foxys hook and the four charges at him for the last time and Borg charged at them.
After an explosion occured, Borg broke the wall and carried the four robots and threw them in the dumpster laughing, he asked if they could really defeat and Chica said yes. Borg reveals his backstory of how people laughing at him, his school, his co-workers, the woman who fixes the copy machine and says when they behold the power of this robot body, they won’t be laughing anymore, they’ll tremble in terror until Foxy jumped at his chest and removes the pod from his chest and shuts down. They four cheered and went home, leaving his body in the dump. After a while, Borg moves his arm and the short ends.
To be continued.
The Short Starts where Chica and Bonnie is seen looking at clouds outside of the Pizzeria. Foxy appears, and asks her what they’re doing, she says that she and bonnie are looking at clouds, and then the camera pans to Foxy spying Purple Guy in a car with Chica looking angry at him, Chica wonders what he is doing, and Foxy thinks he's doing something evil and gets scared.
Foxy walks towards Purple Guy angrily. He points his finger at him, calling him a "menace", to Purple Guy's confusion. Foxy asks what he's hiding, and he says it's nothing. Chica then tells him that her and Foxy will Cluck him up entirely. Purple Guy admits that him and Freddy were hogging a crane machine called "The Crankatron". Purple Guy then begs that they don't break this, and then the camera cuts to Chica again, revealing that they already did. She lies and tells him they didn't do anything to it. Foxy asks Freddy why they have to hide the crane from them, and Freddy tells her that the prize inside, being a new hat, is his. He explains that with it, he could transfer his thoughts and feelings into it, but the controller is missing, so he can't play it. He blames this on Funtime Foxy's poor handling.
Foxy takes it upon herself to get the hat out of the machine. He sticks his arm into it and begins screaming in pain. Freddy asks if he can do it, and he replies affirmatively, and continues screaming. he switches between the two a couple of times, before Purple Guy suggests that he goes to find Funtime Foxy to fix this. He asks the Four to not do anything stupid while he's gone. They all yell for him, showing that they all got stuck inside.
Purple Guy reminds them that he told them not to do anything stupid while he was away, but Chica tells him that he was still here when they went inside, "invalidating" his point.
Later, Funtime Foxy asks Funtime Freddy if they've ever had a claw machine break on them. Funtime Freddy states that he broke his own claw machine by pouring chocolate milk into it until it overflowed, prompting an angry response from Funtime Foxy. He shows a new controller that is attachable to a claw machine if it doesn't have one, being extremely costly. He then tells him that he only ever made one controller, while Funtime Freddy gets angrier, turning red. Funtime Freddy then asks him about what would happen if someone were to get stuck inside a machine. Funtime Foxy nervously tells him that it is unlikely to happen.
Purple Guy rushes up to the two of them, telling Funtime Foxy and Funtime Freddy about the situation. Funtime Foxy snaps back at him, begging that the controller works, to which Purple Guy stares blankly. Funtime Foxy then tells him about the backup controller, which he has in the CBPW Basement. He tells Funtime Freddy to go with Funtime Foxy back to the machine to help him. Purple Guy objects, telling him he can do it by himself. Funtime Freddy argues that Purple Guy needs his help. Funtime Foxy then stomps to the basement angrily, rambling about how it could take him lots of time to get there, but before he can even finish his sentence, he arrives at the basement.
Purple Guy goes to the machine, telling the three that he has brought help, to Chica and Bonnie's excitement. Funtime Freddy walks towards them, informing them that he is the help Purple Guy brought. Chica is then severely disappointed. Funtime Freddy explains that it is his job to free them, as he is the "hero". Freddy exclaims that it's very claustrophobic inside the machine. Funtime Freddy pulls out a megaphone, asking the others to help get them out of the claw machine. He tells them not to worry, as more help is arriving.
Funtime Foxy realizes he underestimated how big the Basement is. A rack falls down, and all the boxes on it fall as well. One box in particular, however, contained the spare Crankatron controller. Funtime Foxy is very happy about this.
Purple Guy thanks everyone for coming and says it's time for a montage.
Blue and Red (Rainbow Friends) both smash the machine with hammers but fail to leave a single dent or crack on it.
Boyfriend throws the machine off of a cliff, thinking he had solved the problem. However, the Crankatron bounces back onto the edge, crushing him
Circus Baby and Circus Blueby Put Explosions stuff around the machine, and they both pressed the button. The giant explosion does nothing to the machine.
Tabby Lynx, Huggy Wuggy, and Kissy Missy try pulling the crane machine off a cliff with a rope, but They fail.
Four (Debut) try using the Zappies on the machine, but just make the four inside dizzy.
Girl Foxy and Girl Bonnie attempts to throw Bron at the claw machine, but it does nothing and Bron is left dazed.
TheMeatly drops a UFO onto the machine, but, like everything else, to no avail.
After TheMeatly drops a UFO onto the machine, Funtime Foxy comes back to the others with the spare Crankatron controller, but Puppet accidently opened the black hole which sucks up the controller upon contact. TheMeatly explains their last hope is to crush all of them with the Crusher, and then make Four recover them. Foxy, in a distressed voice, asks to hurry and asks them to guess who the most flustered individual in the world is. Freddy thought it was Foxy, but it was actually Tabby. Tabby explains, and TheMeatly gives Tabby some cake, then continues to crush all of them. But even after they got squished and then recovered, they were still in the claw machine. Chica says it didn't work and asks TheMeatly if he has any other ideas. He says yes, before admitting that he doesn't as he thought saying yes would give him an idea. Chica bursts into tears as she cries and believes that the four of them will be stuck in the machine for eternity. Purple guy tells her not to worry and would think of something to get them out of there any minute.
Trillions of years later, taking place at the heat death of the universe, nothing and nobody is left but a white void and TheMeatly who states that everything in the entirety of the universe is gone until Foxy points out that He, Chica, Bonnie, and Freddy are still here, still inside of the Crankatron. Chica asks if she could act like a chicken again, which Foxy says that it is not the time for that, Chica asks back what else is going on besides the spot they reside in. Freddy questions where the new hat from earlier in the crane went. Not getting a response, Freddy decides to roll in what Chica asked and says that she looked funny when she act like one last time, in which TheMeatly also agrees as well. The camera zooms out with shadows around the borders until the screen cuts to black, with what is heard to be muffled paper turning.
After the escape, Monika went to her house and said to herself that she is in love with a man and wants to ask him out. The next morning, Monika went on a walk and spots the soldier that she saw and says to herself,” He’s so handsome.” And the soldier asked what Monika said and Monika said nothing. And she asked for his name and he replied, “The name’s Scout.” After hearing his name, she says bye and she goes to the mall to hang out with Tabby, Chica, and Girlfriend and tell them that she has a crush on a resistance soldier. Tabby asked Monika why would she date a veteran, and Monika answered saying, “He’s cute and handsome.” And Tabby was concerned and why not stick to a boy who is not a soldier armed with guns and Monika gets mad and says that she will ask him out, and get married.
Sometime passed by, and Monika sees Scout and tries to develop a nickname for him. Monika thinks of the nicknames, and goes with “Scoutykins”. When she confronts him, she says, “Hi Scoutykins” and Scout asked why is she calling him that, and Monika says that she has a crush and him. Scout gets concerned about what she is talking about and Monika tells him that he looked handsome and cute which made Scout blush and he hands Monika flowers and she kisses him on the cheek.
Scout then tells Monika, about the first time he saw her, and he developed a crush on her and wanted to ask her out, but was too scared because of his clothing after he defected from the Empire. Monika felt sorry about his story and together they went on a date and Scout took Monika to his place. After reaching his apartment, Scout opened the door and sees his two rebel partners, Luke Woods, and Bowman. Woods praises Scout about getting married and Bowman throws small fire works into the air and slaps Scout on the back. Monika told Scout that they’re not getting married. Yet. Scout did just that and Woods took down the decorations but the cake. Monika asked Scout to come outside and Monika was about to kiss Scout and tells him that she loves him and Scout loves her back. Until a probe was spying on them and contacted the Medieval Spetsnaz.
To be continued.
At the mall hanging out with Monika, Purple Girl, Chica, Audrey and the rest of Doki Doki. Tabby went to use the bathroom until a CIA agent told Tabby that her and her “besties” are going on a secret mission to stop a Nicaraguan named Raul Menendez. And she asked where is the base is located and the agent said that it is somewhere in the Amazon River. After Tabby agreed to go, Monika used binoculars to see enemy soldiers and said,”Well look at that. Menendez has a whole private army down there.” Tabby then said,”Cubans. Elite rank. State of the Art tech.” And Purple Girl asked why are we doing this, and Tabby told her that Menendez was working with The Emperor of The Medieval Empire and produced weapons for Cordis Die.
When Monika became impatient, she asked when will they kill the Mercs. And Yuri tells her to be patient and when Tabby says go. The ladies got excited and armed their weapons but Tabby. When they arrived they heard the Mercs talking. And when a guard was walking spotted them, Yuri silently grabbed him and sliced his neck opened and kissed him to go to sleep. After taking care of the guards, Purple Girl screamed and threw a rock at a Merc and alerted the whole base. When the girls fought their way into the base, Natsuki saw a bunch of machines, probes, and plasma weaponry being stored and Sayori said that Menendez is preparing for war.
When they heard more Mercs, they charged up their guns and Chica got a blaster that pushed all of the soldiers to the wall killing them. When they reached a hallway, they opened a container with a man that works for the CIA. Tabbys asked what was Menendez up to and he said that he created a device call the “Celerium” that can destroy any AI and take control of military weapons and programs. After he handed it to Tabby, a Merc shot his neck and more Mercs arrived and tried to kill them, but Audrey shot them with her pistol, but more kept coming until the US Military killed them and saved them. After Tabby gave the celerium to the General, he sent them home and gave them medals for being brave.
To see Mercs
One day in the pizzeria, the Fazbear gang and Tabby were watching a video on animals acting like themselves and Freddy came up with the idea of all of them acting like their species. Freddy started to act like a bear, so he went outside and climbed a tree to get honey from a beehive and when a little boy saw Freddy, he wanted to get a picture with him, but Freddy roared so loud, he made the boy cry and run away. Chica started to peck the ground, while Bonnie eats a carrot like a rabbit does, and Foxy just acts like a fox. While Tabby just sleeps like a cat on her bed. When Audrey was patrolling the streets for trouble, the boy tells her that Freddy roared at him and Audrey followed him to see Freddy and was surprised that he was acting like a bear. Audrey tried to calm him down but the four animatronics surrounded her and made her run away.
Sometime later, the animatronics caused mayhem in their pizzeria making it look like a jungle and fighting over food. When Purple Guy and Purple Girl walked in they saw the five animatronics acting like animals and Purple Guy came up with an idea to bully them, but Freddy was breathing behind his head and Purple Girl shaking tells him that Freddy is right behind them and Freddy roared making Purple Guy scream like a girl and ran away, leaving Purple Girl behind and she hid in the toilets. Later that day, Audrey returned with a tranquilizer gun and Tabby saw her and she jumped on her face, scratching Audrey and made her drop the gun and run out of the Pizzeria. When Purple Guy returned, he started to act like a gorilla and ran towards Freddy, trying to fight him, but Freddy, Chica and Foxy mauled him almost to death and made him and Purple Girl run away from the scene for good.
That night, when Tabby went outside, a rock hit her on the head, making her remember herself and realized that she was acting like her species, so to make everything back the way it was, she summoned Cosmo, and Wanda and wished that everything was back to the way it was and they granted her wish and poofed everything back to normal. After going inside, Freddy asked what happened and Tabby told him that everyone was acting like their species and she made everything back to normal and the five animatronics started to clean up the pizzeria and had a huge slumber party at the end.
One day at the pizzeria, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and Tabby were watching a show called Jackass when Knoxville was shot in the skull with a shotgun, Freddy suggested that they should make their own stunts here. Hearing the idea, Tabby and Chica told him that its probably not safe when seeing the Warning: Do not try this at home. But Freddy suggests on doing it. When they got outside Tabby was holding the camera and asks Freddy what he is going to do and he says that he is riding on a shopping cart down the roof and onto the ground, when Foxy pushed him, Freddy fell and made a crunch sound. When he got up, his head was touching his stomach and Foxy asked him if he was okay. Freddy got scared when he injured himself and accidentally vomits on Bonnie and Chica.
Tabby asks what Bonnie was going to do and he tells her that he is going to rub honey all over himself and attract the bees to him. When the bees came, Bonnie stood still until Freddy, and Foxy were trying to make the bees angry and sting Bonnie, but when Bonnie tries to move away, Freddy pushes him, and Bonnie falls on Monika accidentally stinging both him and Monika. When everyone was laughing, Freddy went behind Foxy and shaved his head, Foxy angrily asks Fredy why would he do that and everyone started laughing at him, and Chica came outside and tells everyone that the pizza is ready, and Freddy shaves Chica’s head and she angrily beats up Freddy, while everyone laughs.
When the five arrived at a lake, Foxy was dressed as a superhero holding on to the back of a car, and tells Bonnie to start the car. After Bonnie starts the car, Foxy lets go and starts flying until he hits a tree and falls in the water. Foxy starts to scream that he broke his arm and cannot swim, so Chica dives in and saves Foxy until she says that she broke her back so Freddy dives in and ties a rope around them and swims back to shore. Freddy asks them if they were okay and Chica says that she needs a chiropractor and everyone laughs and the short ends.
Tabby Lynx, Chica, and Henry Stickmin driving past farms, and Henry says that he can't believe they are taking him to "Strawberry Land", the strawberry themed amusement park. Chica mutters that she can't believe it either. Tabby is a bit unsure, and asks Henry if they are going the right way, to which he replies that he is, having passed that sign 14½ times.
He then sees the sign for it, and they stop. and Tabby "Welcome to Deeply rooted farms..." and Chica reads: "World's Biggest Strawberry fields?" Henry begins to dance in front of the sign, and Tabby and Chica know there is trouble.
Tabby asks Henry if it is the right sign, and Henry replies that it is and that he has always wondered how great Strawberry Land must be. Tabby and Chica ask if he has actually seen Strawberry Land, and Henry says he has.... Every night in his dreams. After knocking himself out, Chica tries to leave, only to be stopped by Tabby.
Tabby says that they did not drive for four days without stopping or eating to not make Henry’s dream come true, and that they will not leave until Henry's dream comes true. Chica then asks what they are supposed to do, and if they are just going to build an amusement park, and Tabby agrees to do so, much to Chica's dismay.
Construction begins right away, and they begin looking for strawberries to use for the park. Next, Tabby puts on some strawberry syrup, Then Chica Put the strawberries to make them stick together, like bricks and cement. The two then set up lights while avoiding a dreaming Henry.
The next morning is the grand unveiling. Henry is amazed, but has not taken his blindfold off. When he does, he immediately charges in, and Tabby and Chica follow.
Tabby suggests a ride as they stroll down a spoof of Main Street, and Henry agrees. The first ride is the King Strawberry Carousel. Tabby plays the music on the Piano, and Chica pulls the crank to move the carousel around, until it backfires and slaps Chica. Tabby rushes over and tells Chica not to doze off on the job.
Their next ride is the Strawberry's Mansion, where Henry's in a Minecart and Tabby pushes him, playing the Ghost Host. Chica plays the ghost that jumpscares people in the graveyard. This scares Henry, and he beats Chica with part of the cart before running off.
The final ride shown is Great Moments with Mr. Strawberry. Henry cheers, but boos when the show does not start. Chica then goes into the potato on stage and recites a food-themed version of Abraham Lincoln's speech, Tabby then plugs a wire into an outlet, and the potato explodes. Henry is upset that it was Chica acting, and claims he is going to see a park manager about it. That is when Tabby drops the bomb: "Strawberry Land isn't real."
He explains that she and Chica built the place so Henry's dream could come true. Henry is touched by this, but assures them that Strawberry Land may have been a dream, but their friendship is real.
As they exit, they slip. The sun begins to thin out the strawberry syrup used to hold the strawberries in place, and Henry thinks of a dream to get out. It indeed comes true, and they leave this farm as a flood of strawberries crashes into the Strawberry Land sign as the episode ends.
When Tabby was going for a walk outside, she sees a ship landing and she follows it and sees Clone force 99. She wondered in her head who were those guys, and when Crosshair spotted her, he attempted to shoot her, but Hunter ordered him to stand down and told Tabby that they’re not going to hurt her. She walked up to them and asked for their names. After an introduction, Omega said hello to Tabby and showed her Omega’s weapon. Tabby was fascinated by the colorful light of the energy bow and asked to hold it.
When Tabby was holding the energy bow, she accidentally released and arrow that almost hit Foxy. Tabby apologized to Foxy and he asked who were the people behind her and she told them that this is Wrecker, Hunter, Echo, Tech, Crosshair, and Omega. When Purple guy saw Omega, he took her energy bow and Omega tried to take it back, but Purple guy kept teasing her, until Wrecker picked him up and threatened to shoot him. Purple guy then shaking gave the bow back and Wrecker threw him into a pile of garbage cans.
Omega picked up the bow and Tabby took them to the pizzeria and the batch were asking what the place was and Tabby told them its a place to have fun. When Wrecker saw Freddy, and Chica, he mistakened them for battle droids and attempted to attack and so did the rest of the batch. Tabby told them to stop because they were her friends and Hunter ordered everyone (except for Omega who didn’t fire her weapon) to stand down and Hunter apologized to Freddy and told him that they were used to fighting machines and knights. Freddy understood and asked for their names. After hearing about them, Freddy made them pizza and Echo asked what is pizza. Chica was surprised to know that the clones did not know what pizza was. Chica told them that pizza is a dish that make people love it, and Echo tasted it and said that it was the best thing that they ever had, even better than the food they eat everyday.
After the six clones ate pizza, ten T-600 terminators started to attack everyone and The Bad Batch prepared for battle. Tabby got scared that she hides in the bathroom, while the Clones fought the terminators. Sometime later, Hunter told Wrecker to grab a table and throw it at them making some get destroyed and he threw 3 explosives at the 600s and destroyed them. After defeating the T-600s, Clone force 99 said goodbye to everyone and Omega waved bye at Tabby and the Squad got on their ship and left. Tabby said that she will miss them and Freddy told them that they will come back as friends. The shorts ends with the Bad Batch theme playing.
On a nice day, inside the pizzeria, Tabby was on youtube checking out some keyboard videos when she came across Charlie Schmidt’s keyboard cat video that has millions of subscribers. She was surprised about the video having so many likes, so she decided to make her own keyboard video.
Bonnie asked what Tabby was up to and she said that she was going to make her own keyboard video and can use some help. Bonnie volunteer to help her. Together the duo set up a camera, but Tabby didn’t know what song to play. Bonnie suggested her song, but she suggested playing Michael Jackson “Beat it!”. So Bonnie agrees and starts recording the camera and used a disco ball for colorful effects. When Tabby was playing the keyboard, she was doing great and after she finished playing the song, they uploaded it to Youtube to see if anyone was watching. Bonnie tells her that everyone will love it.
One week later. After a week, Tabby checked her video and it reached a 2 million subs and Tabby was proud of herself and after she tells everyone the good news, Freddy, Foxy, Chica, and Bonnie praised her for her work and they celebrated by Tabby playing the keyboard on stage for everyone and attracted the public to go inside and cheer her on. The short ends.
Freddy Fazbear and his friends are trying to decide on an episode to submit to the Web Series 2022 Awards.
Foxy thinks the one he lost his hook is the best while Chica thinks the one where she is sick, Bonnie suggests the episode where he accidentally broke Bessie but replace with Bessie 2.0.
The animatronics can't agree, each thinking their own spotlight episodes are perfect, Tabby Lynx can't remember any of the episodes that the others are talking about, or the previous episode she was in.
Tabby concedes that she's sure the producers know what they're doing and that they work very hard, In the producer's office, Zachary Preciado and Micha Preciado are seen relaxing instead of working.
Tabby states that she doesn't rely on starring in episodes for her self-worth, pointing out her hair, The animatronics continue to disagree about which episode to submit, noting VANNY is in LOVE? and BONNIE GETS SUPER POWERS?!? as favourites.
Just then, the doorbell rings and Freddy orders Tabby to answer it, referring to her as Popstar, Tabby corrects him before walking to the door, She opens the door to find an exact copy of herself, suggesting to her that this episode is about Tabby.
Tabby runs back to Freddy and tells him, thinking it might be an alien clone that wants to take over her life, a post-apocalyptic version of herself that she has to fight or her rich, long lost twin.
Freddy reveals that what Tabby saw was herself, in a mirror delivered by Purple Guy, Freddy laughs, noting that they can't win an award with a story about a cat in a mirror as Purple Guy asks who Tabby is, Freddy replies to him that her name is Caty.
Bonnie walks up and corrects him, also stating that she isn't a new Animatronic. Tabby thanks him...before he says that she just isn't popular.
Tabby begins talking to herself, wondering why popularity matters in Web Series Television, She opens a door, only to find a strange alien egg sitting in the middle of the room.
She calls Bonnie, Foxy, and Chica and they arrive, Chica states that someone more popular should take the lead. She decides that if the alien is nice then Chica should take it, if not, Foxy should.
Tabby refuses to hand over the story as the egg begins to open. The "egg" opens to reveal Freddy, who goes on to state that the "egg" is actually a rejuvenation pod, The animatronics decide that there is no story and leave.
Tabby rummages through the Arcade Prize Stand, looking for something that can set her story in motion, Foxy thought that she didn't care about starring in an episode.
Tabby says that she doesn't and demands Foxy help her look as He pulls out a Bonnie Plush and Chica Plush, She thinks that an evil scientist shrank them, Foxy questions why she would be happy about that before revealing that it's just merch as He pulls a Plush of himself out.
Tabby laments that this isn't story either but she wants to see what she looks like as a Plush. Foxy then tells her that they never made one of her as they only made plush of the "main cast", Which makes Tabby furious at the implication that she isn't part of the main cast.
She keeps searching for a story for herself as Chica points out that the episode is half completed. Tabby wants more time and rushes off as Bonnie finds a 9-Ball, Noting that they've never done a FOP Spoof episode before, Bonnie releases Cosmo and Wanda who is promptly sucked into Tabby's handheld vacuum cleaner.
Tabby tells the other animatronics to stop trying to steal her episode, Foxy walks up, saying that he isn't trying to steal her episode, he's only eating chips.
Foxy then bites a golden chip, which Chica notes has won them a visit to the factory, The mascot of the company that makes the chips is seen singing in a balloon before Tabby shoots it down in an F-18 fighter jet.
She bails out of the aircraft's cockpit and angrily parachutes to the ground. She threatens the other Animatronics before a cyborg version of Chica, named The Chicanator, arrives, she states that she's here to prevent a war between man and machine and that she needs to take all the animatronics except Tabby, and She kicks her back into the portal as Freddy calls his friends back inside the pizzeria.
Freddy says that his Friends are in agreement before being interrupted by Tabby, saying that she has come to terms with being a minor character. Freddy is about to tell "Feliney" something before she interrupts him.
She says that it's true she'll never be a popular character and that she's been gone for so long that she's forgotten how big a burden leading an episode is.
Freddy then tells Tabby that it's been ten minutes and that this is her episode. Tabby is livid and goes to the EnchantedMOB Office to pitch her own show. The animatronics think that her show won't stand a chance.
The next morning, Freddy tells his friends that he got a letter from the Producers of the Studio. The letter states that there’s a new show starring Tabby Lynx in a hilarious sitcom show named "The Musical Adventures of Tabby Lynx".
Foxy shows support for Tabby's show but Bonnie thinks that his line would be better said by him. The Animatronics all begin to switch personality traits before Chica intervenes, asking for Freddy. Freddy returns, revealing that he's blown up the helicopter. Chica, in dismay, adds that this was the "Weirdest Episode Ever".
Episode starts at the Pizzeria Where Chica is sleeping on the Show Stage, While Tabby Lynx is playing with Toy soldiers, making noise and disturbing Chica.
Chica sents Tabby to play outside, Tabby gets to the basement and takes her helmet and Toy rifle, as Boyfriend and Girlfriend began to make a fake war.
Boyfriend and Girlfriend use smoke, sound effects, and even make a scenery around to depict an ongoing war. Tabby, thinking it's a real war, and begins to cry.
Then Tabby wears a mask to prevent from position (which is actually fake smoke).
She uses military tactics to reach Chica, who is at the time exiting the pizzeria, knocks her in back in the pizzeria.
Tabby tells Chica that there is an ongoing war, but Chica doesn't believe her, thinking he's got crazy.
Tabby cries when nobody believes her and jumps behind a hedge to avoid fake gunfire, causing her to fall in Montgomery Gator's Head, prompting Monty to beat her up.
Upon seeing fake troops marching, she throws a grenade at them, well.... mostly she threw the pin, She warned Chica.
Tabby, upon realizing she must warn Chica, she rolls back in the pizzeria through the chimney and warns Chica, to which Chica knocks her out of the pizzeria.
Tabby, realizing she lost her gas mask, attempts to enter the basement but the doors turn out to be locked, causing Tabby to cry again.
Tabby notices Boyfriend and Girlfriend has the key, Giving them a long chase.
Tabby got exhausted from chasing and she rests against the background, causing it to knock down, making Tabby realize it was all a fake prop.
After a while, Tabby is painting war-themed paintings in the Pizzeria parking lot, Chica sees it inside the pizzeria in the door window, and Tabby waves the hand like is saying hi to Chica, and Chica also waves the hand to her, and leaves.
Once she's done she reveals Boyfriend and Girlfriend (tied up with dynamites), and sends them through the paintings, after a while the dynamite explodes and Tabby laughs as the episode ends.