LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
Regal Tiger: Me
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
Regal Tiger: Me
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
Puss in Boots: TheRatmir
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
The Toys (Huggy Wuggy, Kissy Missy, Poppy Playtime, Bron, Cat-Bee and Boogie Bot) had never been so happy. It was a glorious summer's day, and the toys were taking a well-earned break. Smiling, Huggy slapped a cap on each of the Huggy Wuggy Statue that the Toys Made (just to protect it from the sun so it won't melt.) There were no players to be seen and He thought the Statue was safe.
He was wrong. High above their heads a huge, purple, swirling wormhole opened in the sky. and Something came shooting out of the center of the space anomaly - something icy. Something blue. Something not from the Players. It was Ice Huggy, a strange space creature who just wanted to protect his rare huggysteroid. (Which Resembles a Mini Huggy.)
At first Ice Huggy Gave the Toys a cool glare, thinking they wanted his unusual Huggy, but just as Huggy explained they were friends, an evil booming laugh came from the direction of the wormhole. Laughter wasn't all that came out of the rift in time and space. As the toys stared, slack-beaked, a giant mechanical claw whirled down from above.
Opening its pincer wide, the robot arm slammed into the ground, yanking up the chunk of earth where the huggysteroid had landed. In a second it had gone back through the wormhole. Ice Huggy didn't wait around. Loading himself into the Cannon (That the toys built for some reason.) he fired himself back through the wormhole to rescue his huggysteroid.
That's when Huggy noticed a cap floating down from the sky. The claw had snatched the statue too! So The Toys launched themselves through the wormhole after the stolen Statue.
When they'd made it through, after traveling halfway across the galaxy, the Toys found that their space odyssey had changed them. They were still angry, but now they had amazing new superpowers. And the claw? Well, it was operated by a colony of pesky yellow skin humans, The Space Players. The Space Players should have been afraid of their new guests. Very afraid.
Episode starts: it began in the early morning in the Playtime Co. Factory, and Poppy woke up from her beauty sleep, looking at the dusted furniture and appliances. At this day, it's time to clean the factory, and Poppy changed to her house-working clothes. In her tiredness, she began washing the huge pile of clothes. Cat-Bee arrived, observed her work, then foolishly went to do the clothes for Poppy without permission.
With that, she goes to the kitchen to prepare some coffee. It only took around two tablespoons to drink her coffee, but Pro Player came and kicked up her coffee day by adding a full bag, 110lbs (50kg). She went back from getting a cup and saucer, added her coffee to his cup, then drank it by only one drop of strong coffee. She then went to the sink to wash her dishes, but after a single dish, that strong coffee resulted in shaking herself up to speed up the work. Pro Player laughed at her doing that, as they saw that as a major amusement.
Poppy bounced around, in a shaking effect, then went to the laundry to help out at the clothes. She used a shovel for that, but she ended up digging the floor, much to Cat-Bee's shock. She picked Poppy up to stop digging, as Poppy was out of control.
She carried Poppy back to washing the dishes, and much to his surprise, there were a lot of clean plates stacked on Cat-Bee, so she laid them to fill the screen, but Poppy got them, leaving the countertop clean, and crashing the plates into the drawers. Poppy bounced out, as Cat-Bee dazed out of the porcelain dust. Poor Poppy, she's gone bonkers over that coffee!
Poppy continued cleaning the Factory by vacuuming the floors, starting at the crazy hallways, then the Playtime Area, till Pro Player spilled cigarette ash on the floor, therefore vacuuming it too, resulting in a fire. Cat-Bee saw that, tried to extinguish the fire, but ended up being burned by it. Cat-Bee, in a headache, was dragged by Poppy to clean her up.
After a simple wash, she's tossed into the washing machine, where Pro Player added Graters and spikes to the mix.
As Cat-Bee is spiked up on the washing machine, Poppy found her dazed by those, and is then to be dried, ironed, then folded up like clothes.
Pro Player have got another plan, using her like a rag to clean up a dropped egg. Poppy does that, then cleans her up in the bucket, then puts away the cleaning equipment in the locker, then goes back to it.
In the last scene, she's vacuuming the garbage, spilled by Pro Player, then at the last moment, he puts a stick of dynamite in the vacuum bag, therefore asking Cat-Bee, dazed in the locker, to put out the garbage after Pro Player got away. Cat-Bee blew up, leaving her wings behind.
Poppy then gives her strong coffee to a bandaged Cat-Bee, resulting in the same way she shook up as she shakes in the bandaged area. Poppy, not amused and disappointed after Cat-Bee's shaking, knows that drinking too much Strong Coffee can give you shaking consequences.
The episode begins at the Playtime Co. Huggy Wuggy is seen looking at a book and looking in the fridge at the same time, looking confused. Cat-Bee points out to Poppy Playtime that she never sees Huggy look confused at the fridge, with Poppy agreeing. Huggy asks them where the salad is, albeit mispronouncing the word as "salard." Poppy corrects him, and says it is in the bottom of the fridge. Huggy places a piece of lettuce on a plate in the kitchen, with Poppy being impressed about him taking his diet seriously. However, in the dining room, Poppy points out several other plates Huggy has, with Huggy giving somewhat true reasons how they help with his diet.
The next morning, Poppy and Cat-Bee are eating their cereal. Huggy goes into the kitchen, appearing more fat than he was last night. Cat-Bee sees this as a roll neck sweater, but Huggy says he is not wearing a roll neck sweater. Poppy takes notice and sees that it is Huggy's actual neck rolls. Gumball begins to doubt that Huggy's diet is helping, though Huggy denies it. Poppy also points out that the fridge has been consistently empty, prompting Huggy to deflect their accusations by ordering groceries online. However, he becomes impatient waiting for them to arrive and decides to go with Poppy and Cat-Bee to the grocery store instead. Unfortunately, Huggy is too obese to properly get in his car, and attempts to fasten his seatbelt prompt the car to fall over on its side.
After that, Poppy and Cat-Bee help Huggy by dieting the right way. They begin by telling Huggy to be open and honest and ask Huggy if he has any food hidden in the house. After Huggy tries to throw them off, Poppy and Cat-Bee just look in various places all over the house for hidden food. Eventually, they decide that they have seen enough and punish him by putting him on "lock-down" in the shed.
Cat-Bee stands guard near the shed while Poppy watches a surveillance feed to make sure Huggy stays put. Poppy reports that he notices something, and upon further inspection, Cat-Bee sees Huggy eating a burger. Cat-Bee goes in the shed to confront Huggy but notices that he is gone and that the burger was fake. Cat-Bee then looks up at the ceiling to find Huggy drooling on her, causing Cat-Bee to freak out. As she vigorously tries to wipe the saliva off, Huggy escapes and gorges himself by the fridge.
Poppy and Cat-Bee instead try to get Huggy to work out through the use of food as a motivator and, after a synth-rock crossfade montage in which Huggy gets more and more buff, the two call it a day. However, Huggy continues to work out without them, and the next morning, Poppy and Cat-Bee find him, grotesquely buff, having a fight with Purple Guy for being in the way of his car, waking the two up. Poppy and Cat-Bee surmise that they created a monster before Purple Guy drives off with Huggy on the car's hood, bound for the Park.
The two set out to try to stop Huggy, fearing embarassment, and track him through his aggressive selfie habits. Meanwhile, Huggy makes Alice Angel uncomfortable, dives into a fountain to save a coin Monika threw in (and thus ruining her wish for world peace), and steals the tires off an ambulance to use as weights before being chased off. When Poppy and Cat-Bee arrive at the scene, they overhear of a fire on a Building, noticing that Huggy is there posing with a hose.
At the scene of the fire, Huggy continues to pose before a shocked crowd, preventing the fire department from being able to put the fire out. Audrey shows up and tries to tase Huggy, but in the process, he only makes Huggy's abs more defined. Poppy and Cat-Bee finally show up and remind Huggy of how much he misses food. Suddenly, Huggy sees all of the food that the spectators are eating, causing him to take a step back and fall over. While doing so, he causes the hose to disconnect from a nearby fire hydrant, proceeding to spurt water upon the fire, putting it out.
Huggy realizes that he went too far and decides to make it up to Poppy and Cat-Bee by taking them out for multiple meals, as the episode ends.