LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
Ajb10 vs Monika from Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob
Ajb10ajb10 (Me)
Bendy (BATIM/BATDR) (Ajb10 and Friends)
Monika (DDLC) (Ajb10 and Friends)
Freddy (FNAF) (Ajb10 and Friends)
Ballora (FNAF SL) (Ajb10 and Friends)
Monika (Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob)
*Ajb10 walking to the park*
Ajb10: *sigh* what a wonderful-
*but then Ajb10 see the new girl shouting me and Freddy from Fazbear And Friends*
Ajb10: who this girl? wait a minute, oh yeah Monika Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob, alright lets play a game.
*Ajb10 walk up that girl*
Ajb10: hey are you Monika for Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob?
Monika (Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob): yes I am!
Ajb10: are you shouting?
Monika (Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob): yes because they ship for me and freddy created by zamination and enchantedmob, but we see Ajb10 ship for Bendy x Monika and ship for Freddy x Ballora he is so dead.
Ajb10: well if I was going say to you so here it is, hey Monika guess what I ship someone, it not about Freddy x Monika, I ship for Bendy x Monika and I ship for Freddy x Ballora.
*and then Bendy, Monika, Freddy and Ballora came out and follow Ajb10 Order of Ship and then Bendy x Monika hug and Freddy x Ballora Hug*
Monika (Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob): you are Ajb10, no! not that ship no!
Monika (Ajb10 and Friends): oh yes.
Ajb10: oh yeah!
Monika (Fazbear And Friends Created by zamination and enchantedmob): No!
Ajb10: ship for Bendy x Monika and Ship for Freddy x Ballora, oh yeah!
The end
Ajb10 vs Purple Guy and Purple Girl - Remake
Ajb10 vs Purple Guy and Purple Girl
Ajb10ajb10 (Me)
Purple Guy (zamination and enchantedmob)
Purple Girl (zamination and enchantedmob)
Freddy (FNAF)
Ballora (FNAF SL)
Monika (DDLC)
*Ajb10 hear about old people and kids got Bully*
Ajb10: hey what is going on here?!
Old people: he took our spot for parking for handy cap!
Kids: she won't give it back my toys when she throw it!
Kids: He blow the candle for the birthday cake!
Kids: she Push me down when she get in the car!
Kids: he pop my Balloon!
Ajb10: oh my gosh.
*Ajb10 look at purple guy and Purple were laughing and dancing*
Ajb10: Purple guy and Purple Girl you better apologize to them right now.
Purple Guy: Hah! We don’t care we just have fun with kids and old people, hehe!
Ajb10: oh, that it!
*Ajb10 get angry but wait Ajb10 Idea*
Ajb10: oh, hey purple girl and Purple Guy, guess what, I ship someone, it not about Freddy x Monika, I ship for Bendy x Monika Created by KarlaDraws14 and I ships for Freddy x Ballora Created by Cacartoon, are you scared and crying right now, yeah, I dare you rage quit come on make it both happy.
Purple Guy and Purple Girl: What!!?
Ajb10: that right I ship Bendy x Monika Created by KarlaDraws14 and I ship for Freddy x Ballora Created By Cacartoon, take it look
*Ajb10 show Purple Guy and Purple Girl about ship Bendy x Monika and ShipFreddy x Ballora and then Ajb10 Laugh at Purple Girl and Purple Guy*
Purple Guy and Purple Girl: Nooo!!!!!!
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
This is inspired of the Animation vs. Minecraft Short.
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
This is inspired of Dinotrux: Supercharged.
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
LapisFR 2.0: Jossamations
Auto Extrude: PackDZ
The setting is Freddy Fazbear's Pizza rather than CBPW, and this is not supposed to be a short, really.
Tabby has made friendly with the Fazbear Gang, especially Freddy, having discussed certain entertaining events the two have had with one another in a state of jaunty laughter in a private room, and the two of them exit together. To her confusion, they find Circus Baby standing outside the entrance of the room, arms crossed, a fierce glare. Curiously, Tabby greets her and asks "Hey, this guy's funny, what do you think?" directly to her face. Due to being unable to say it clearly in front of both Tabby and Freddy, there is a sudden bait cut to Baby's murderous thoughts of leading Tabby into the road via a game by taking advantage of her (presumed present) naive state of trust, leading to her being severely injured and Circus Baby laughing maniacally and sadistically, of which are shown to just be thoughts of hers as it's revealed that she is doing it in the real world. Returning to the real world, Circus Baby corrects herself by clearing her throat and pretends to be poised while responding "Nah, I don't want to bring up our... history, you know?" which Tabby responds to saying "...Oh, okay then. Well, see ya, I guess."
Tabby and Freddy leave the area together for further misadventure as friends and Circus Baby tries to plan out some way she can torture her rival, though unaware of her status as (presumed) considerably lucky and unable to avoid extreme consequences. Coming up with one, she smiles deviously as she mutters "I'll sure see you too, with your blindingly bright color palette. I'm sure there's more to you than meets the eye, but I'm not too sure, maybe something bad?" Cut to nighttime, Tabby proceeds to leave for the day and Circus Baby follows in an espionage fashion to follow her to her own residence. However, Tabby is simply followed, as she is an animatronic and does not have a vehicle of her own due to not being that kind of pop artist. Eventually following her, Baby discovers her origin restaurant, called "Ellie's Eatery", Ellie being the elephant face of the company, to her surprise, audibly exclaiming "What the heck!? I've never heard of this place before..." Following inside, still in an espionage fashion, Baby discovers that Tabby isn't what she seems and is in fact a second-in-command for her own group and is constantly neglected by her peers, though not abused, to the point of depression. Due to Baby's knowledge of her being seemingly adored by the most extremely different of people and how Tabby has nothing to lose, she instead decides on a sympathetic path.
With Tabby alone and saddened in a state of perceived isolation, Baby reveals herself to be in the restaurant in her own manner by scaring Tabby to the point of nearly causing her spirit to leave her completely, yelping as loud as she can for a split-second before calming down upon Baby applying a reassuring tone, asking her monotonously "...Hey, what's up?" to which she questions in return "...How did you get here?" Baby diverts the question and insists not discussing the topic. Tabby tells her that her bandmates hate her because her demeanor conflicts with what her proud elephant Ellie expects of her, and no matter how many times she tells her that she just wants them to harbor a more positive outlook on life, they constantly refuse her offer and it ends up making her feel lacking of a purpose. Baby tells her that even though her own bandmates may not approve, she has bandmates of another team who appreciate her, adding that Baby's own team also like Tabby, the latter more to her reluctance, and that they still approve of her demeanor regardless. However, Tabby is already aware of this and is sentimentally uncertain on whether she should leave her own team in favor of ones that approve of her more, so Baby alternatively offers up to simply adjust the differences between her own group, albeit reluctantly, having completely flipped her opinion and wishing that she was an addition to Baby's own group or Freddy's group.
Together, Baby and Tabby arrange a meeting with the remaining mascots of the mysterious rival company to assert the latter's viewpoints over Ellie and how there is nothing inherently bad about optimism in a dark social environment. At first, Ellie disapproves, outright telling her anyway that she should visit other brands in the area to express herself in such a manner, to Baby's anger as she proceeds to raise her voice on the ideal that Tabby really isn't harming the image directly and is just trying to keep them motivated to do what they do best, since she noticed their negative demeanor to be leaking into their own personal life. Eventually, they instead agree that Tabby can continue motivating in regularity and she doesn't have to leave, with the two of them hugging as Baby sends a simple smug "I love solving things" pose. After the resolve, the scene fades to Baby's return to CBPW, and the Funtimes ask her annoyingly where she's been since they have been preparing to film a music video again. Baby simply responds with sheepish laughter, "...Ah... Ehehe... You don't need to know, it's fine, ahahaha..."
On a nice sunny day, Popstar was getting ready to go on vacation when two dogs were barking at her, she climbed up a tree as fast as she could until Steve arrived to get them back into his house. After she finished packing, she spotted a nice helmet with a bright red crest on top. She admired it and took it for a Souvenir and drove to San Diego to meet the Fazbear crew. When she was driving, the helmet glowed (Reactivating) and she was driving by a junk yard because of traffic, a hand bursted out of the garbage, Bendy and Boris saw the headless robot and they started picking on it saying its useless, blind and dumb. The robot responded to throwing them at each other and spotted Popstar with it’s head and ran as fast as it could. Popstar saw the machine, she drove as fast as she could, but the robot was keeping up and when her car broke down, she ran to a bathroom and hid in it until the machine left but instead it grabbed its head and attached it onto it’s body armed itself with an assault rifle to kill Popstar. When Popstar opened the door, she saw no one and when she came out, Circus baby and Ballora fixed her car, she thanked them and drove to the vacation house. Until the machine ran up behind her vehicle and she spotted him and drove very fast until another car hit the robot and in relief she continued to drive.
After she reached the vacation house, she was greeted and told everyone the story about her difficult trip here. Suddenly the machine followed her and pulled out his blaster and assault gun and was about to shoot her until she ran behind Freddy and Foxy, but a sniper bolt hit the guard in the head, making it shut down. They searched where the blast came from and it came from The Bad Batch Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech, Hunter, Echo, and Omega decided to join in the vacation time with them and burned the robot in the fire pit.